10 Years Ago No One Called Me Mom

10 years ago no one called me mom.

10 years ago I didn’t yet know about you–little one (now not so little)–who made me a mom about 9 months later.

I didn’t know that I’d have a pregancy with no real issues other than heartburn and losing all appetite for sweets. 

I didn’t know that I’d end up an at-home mom for a while because it was the best decision for our family.

I didn’t know that you’d find every other task on the planet more enjoyable than eating.

I didn’t know that I’d get to cuddle you so many times while we read book after book after book.

I didn’t know that I’d become a mom who made lots of mom friends (and you lots of kid friends) by joining a club of other moms. 

I didn’t know that when you finally figured out you could read anything and everything by yourself that I’d have to send you back to bed because you would get up before 4:30 a.m. to read James and the Giant Peach

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I didn’t know that you’d be a great traveler and great traveling companion to destinations near and far.

I didn’t know that you’d become attached to a pacifier and be nearly 4 years old before you could give it up.

I didn’t know that puzzles, marbles, balls, and cars–your first loves among toys–would become your long-term toy loves. 

I didn’t know that your stuffed animals–Red Eye, Stripey, Doggie, and Deer–would become your chosen companions.

I didn’t know that you’d prefer to spend birthdays and many afternoons at the bowling alley.

I didn’t know you’d fill our home with so much music.

I didn’t know that you’d fill our home with so much laughter and so many farts, burps, and talk about poop.

I didn’t know that I’d become a soccer mom, a basketball mom, a baseball mom.

I didn’t know that math would excite you so much–so much.

I didn’t know that you’d be waiting for me at the finish line of the mud run we ran together in the name of fun.

I didn’t know that I’d be a mom who made you Halloween costumes

I didn’t know that I’d be a mom who chaperoned your field trips.

I didn’t know that I’d drop you (and 1/2 of my heart) off at sleep away camp and you’d love it.

I didn’t know that I needed you in my life.

10 years ago I didn’t yet know you’d call me mom.

10 years ago I didn’t know about you. 

10 years ago I didn’t know that I could love you so much.



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