A Day In Images – Real life Moments Captured Forever

As moms we can sometimes (or most of the time) get caught up in the day to day chaos of life.   Sometimes we need to take a breath, slow down and enjoy it, of course that is easier said then done, which is why I decided to freeze time for one day.  I chose a Wednesday (not as busy of a day) to document my entire day in images.  I wanted to make sure I captured the little things, like my kids eating waffles for breakfast every single day, and the dozens of times they watch Mickey Mouse.  Years from now I wanted to be able to look back and remember our life.  I will admit, it was difficult to carry my camera with me all day and actually remember to take pictures of everything, but I did it, and I am so glad that I did!  In fact, I had so much fun with this project that I think I will do it every year!  I would highly encourage you all to take the time to do the same, I promise you will not regret it!






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