The changing colors can make Madison so magical around the fall. Hopefully you’re able to get out and enjoy it! The next time you head out on a nature walk or play in the backyard, why not encourage your toddler to pick the prettiest leaves to collect for a craft?
Here is a super fun and fairly easy craft for kids with hardly any preparation necessary!
Step 1: Collect leaves and a couple supplies including paper plates, glue, and string
Step 2: Cut a hole out of the paper plates to create a frame for a wreath.
Step 3: Apply a generous amount of glue around the frame.
Step 4: Finally, let your toddler decorate the wreath with leaves.
Lastly, attach a string to the wreath, hang it up, step back and enjoy! Also, you could let an older child join in or even manage this entire craft on their own! It’s fun to see which leaves your kid is most interested in, or to jump in and make your own wreath right along with them. As a result, you’ll end up having a great time while enjoying the beautiful colors this season has to offer!
While doing this craft, we tackled some much-needed yard raking and our 2-year-old was assigned the task of finding leaves. Once we came inside, we got started on the wreath. The total amount of time spent crafting was right around fifteen minutes. Considering a toddler’s attention span, the minimal mess, and less than a minute preparation required from mom, this project was a winner!
For more kid-friendly craft ideas, check out