A Letter to My Girls On Their 1st Day of Kindergarten

My loves,

I cannot believe this day has come. I remember the day I found out that both of you were growing inside me and wondering how I would be able to take care of you at the same time. I remember fighting to keep you alive before you were born and praying that God would allow me to be your mom. I remember holding you as 3 lb. babies in the NICU. I remember the year (plus) of sleepless nights. I remember helping you learn to crawl, walk and talk. I remember your first meltdowns and fights. I remember the giggling, the fun and the time I’ve been able to spend with you, watching you grow up into kind, smart, and beautiful girls. That’s what make this hard…

In a few short weeks, you will start kindergarten in separate classes. You will be standing on your own two feet in a class of 20 other kiddos. I won’t be there to intervene when someone isn’t nice to you or when you aren’t nice to them. I won’t be there to see you learn something new. I won’t be there to help you through a struggle or feed you lunch. You are on your own now and I pray that as you start this new chapter, you would …

Be kind.

Ask for help.

Include everyone.

Embrace a challenge.

Be respectful.

Learn to love reading.

Try your hardest at all times.

Help your teacher.

AND don’t forget to hug your mommy before and after school.

I’m a mixture of emotions as you girls start school. I’m scared, excited, sad, nervous, hopeful, and so many more things… but this isn’t about me. It’s about you! Embrace who you are, sweet girls and don’t ever forget that you are strong, smart, and kind and that you are loved!



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