Practice the Three P’s for Sanity

The most common thing a mom of multiples hears when she is out and about is… “Wow, you have your hands full!” These days, I simply smile when I hear this because, I do have my hands full, but don’t we all? Our hands are full of love, joy, giggles, soggy Cheerios, dirty diapers and half-eaten lady bugs. So, how do we stay sane? Our family of seven practices the three P’s: Planning, Perspective and Priorities.

The V5: Vanderwall Quintuplets Left to Right: Theo, Bella, Lily, K-Mae and Ellie


We all know that kids benefit from schedules and routine; both require short term to long term planning. When’s the next meal? What are we going to wear? When should we start potty training? What’s for dinner? Where are they going to go to school? All of these questions are important to answer ahead of time so we can be present with our kids in every moment.

With kids, change often comes both fast and slow at the same time. They grow up before our eyes, but the days can seem so long. In our family, we practice a flexible schedule. The schedule is the same day-after-day and our kids know the routine better than we do. But, it remains flexible for change, growth and life’s “uh-oh” moments.


We all have those days where we throw back our heads and say really, really did that just happen? Feel free to fill in the blank with your latest and greatest moment. When I find myself in these moments- and it’s still 6 hours until bed-time- I check in with my perspective. For me, this includes a time-out to remind myself of my purpose. I was blessed with five, beautiful children, and they just all happen to be two years old. This stage can be the “terrible two’s” or the “terrific two’s” and my perspective will dictate the results.


We as parents pour into our children, and can end up running on empty. I believe we have a lot to learn from airline safety, in order to, keep our emotional and physical tanks full. I attempt to put my oxygen mask on first. For me, this is quiet time in the morning followed by a quick work-out, healthful food throughout the day and monthly dates with my husband. Yes, I may need to warm up my plate three times before the first bite, but it’s worth it.

That is how this Mom of Quints stays sane: planning, perspective and priorities. How do you stay sane amidst the busy life of a parent with hands so full?

Written by:

Cassie Vanderwall

Dietitian, Personal Trainer, Mom of Multiples and Mommy Blogger

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