With September in full swing, now is the time to ensure your child’s vision is in top shape for the school year ahead.

In partnership with SSM Health

A staggering statistic

“Eighty percent of what a child learns comes through their eyes,” said Dr. Brandon Sheetz, board-certified optometrist at SSM Health. “Yet despite the importance of vision in learning, many children haven’t had their eyes examined by an eye care provider. This oversight can mean that they’re using their eyes inefficiently, which could make learning more challenging.”

According to the Vision Council of America, one in four children has a vision problem that can interfere with their ability to learn effectively. The tricky part? Kids often don’t realize there’s a problem because they don’t know what “normal” vision should feel like. This can sometimes lead to misdiagnoses, where a vision issue is mistaken for ADHD, especially if an eye exam hasn’t been conducted.

The solution

“That’s where we come in,” Dr. Sheetz said. “Our goal is to help your child excel in their visual tasks by ensuring their eyes are working harmoniously together. This not only enhances depth perception — critical for sports and other activities—but also prevents issues like over-focusing on screens. It also ensures they can see clearly across the classroom, or when learning to drive. The sooner we can address any vision issues, the better it will be for both your child’s health and their educational journey.”

So, before the school bell rings, make sure your child is set for success with a back-to-school eye exam at any of our SSM Health Eye Care locations. Let’s get your child ready to see — and learn — clearly this school year!

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