

Jill is a born and raised Wisconsinite. She grew up just outside of Madison before heading to northern Michigan for college. Afterwards, she returned to Madison where she married her high school sweetheart, Micah, and earned her PhD in Educational Psychology. Micah and Jill live just outside of Madison with their two children, Levi (5 years old), and Alice (3 years old), and they all love sports and being outside. When Jill isn't enjoying the local Madison parks and activities with her family, she loves to play board games, and relax at home with family and friends. Jill is a busy mom, an active member in her church, and enjoys her job as an Associate Professor of Psychology for a small liberal arts college.

Value for All

The Cosby trial, Weinstein, the Kavanaugh senate hearings, the #MeToo movement…. How did we get here? It seems like every day another horrible story hits the news, and it hurts my heart every time,...

Now What Do I Do With All This Stuff?

Who knew that these little babies could come with so much stuff!?! Ok, so all parents seem to know this. Now that we’re done having babies, I need to find a way to get...

An Ode to My Parents: A Journey Through Childhood Cancer

I was a healthy, active child. I loved to swim and play cards and compete in just about anything. In fact, I joined multiple swim teams one summer, which is why I was so...

When Traveling Goes Wrong

My husband and I were never super into traveling, but we love to go visit family and attend important events with families and friends. When we had kids, we weren’t going to let that...

Summer “School”

The warm weather is finally here! I’m so excited to get outside with my kids and enjoy the weather. My job allows me to stay at home a few days a week in the...

To Watch, or Not To Watch

Screen time has been a hot topic among parents and scientists alike. Every parent deals with the internal struggle between what we think we will do as parents (pre-children), and what becomes a necessity...

Careful, but Not Too Careful

I’m a planner. Always have been, but when I became a parent, I quickly learned that I couldn’t plan everything (even when I tried). I’ve always enjoyed researching, reading different perspectives on parenting, and...

A Leap of Trust: Choosing a Child Care Center

Choosing who you are going to entrust with caring for your new baby is a huge decision. I have worked for many years in and around child care (both teaching and conducting higher-education research...

Difficult Dialog: Talking to Children About Hard News

We all face difficult times at some point or another, whether it is a move to a new city, the death of a loved one, or troubling news that comes across our TVs. It...