
Kim grew up in Minnesota, but moved to Madison to attend the UW and fell in love with the city’s spirit and culture. She's married with three sweet kiddos - Mason, Joshua, and Leah. When she’s not racing monster trucks across furniture or pretending to be interested in video games, she’s working on freelance writing projects or teaching strength training classes through her small fitness business, Lioness Fitness. Kim's a food allergy mom, which means she can read a food label like nobody’s business. She's also a sucker for good wine, good sushi, a good book, and ANY beach.
Can I Be Honest? Sometimes, I Get Jealous
Dear Stay-at-Home Mom,
Can I be honest? Sometimes, I get jealous of you.
Like, when I picture your mornings, minus the chaos of hustling kids out the door to daycare. I picture breakfasts eaten without staring...
When Your Toddler Won’t Talk
A year ago, my son was about to turn 2 and had never said the word "Mama."
Or "Dada." Or "ball." Or "up." Mason was silent and stoic, and we were nervous.
Our pediatrician frowned at the communication questionnaires I filled out and recommended speech therapy. I frantically...
Potty Training the Impossible Child (My Top 5 Mistakes)
A few months ago, I truly, honestly didn’t think my son would EVER be potty trained.
I’d been “trying” to train him for months (and months), and all I had to show for it was...
The Homebound Mama: Trapped by the Nap
I’m a stay-at-home mom with a toddler and a baby. Recently, the baby hit a milestone I’d been dreading for months: the crossover from Will Sleep Anytime/Anywhere to Must Be In Crib at Nap Time OR...
It Won’t Always Be Like This
“You got this, mama.”
They were words from a stranger, delivered with a supportive smile while I was hauling my two screaming little boys out of the zoo park. I had one wriggling, red-faced kid...
Birthday Treats at School: A Mom’s Plea
Picture this for a second…
You’re picking your child up from school or daycare, and you hear that the class celebrated a birthday that day. The birthday girl’s mom brought cupcakes, and everyone had one after...
Breastfeeding Hope for Moms-to-Be
During my first pregnancy, I was SUPER anxious about breastfeeding.
The internet was jam-packed with horror stories: poor latches, poor supplies, weak sucks, infections, blocked ducts, cracked nipples, and so, so much pain—both physical and emotional.
Every mom I talked to had...
Moms Have Phases Too
When my husband and I had our first baby, we had a lot of those “this is our life now” moments.
Middle of the night diaper blow-outs, inexplicable crying episodes (with a 400-item checklist of...
The Lonely Life of a Food Allergy Mom
There’s one part of every kid birthday party I hate: the food part.
It’s always pizza and cake, and usually my son doesn’t care that he can’t have any. He eats his meal before the...
When Parenting is Boring
A few weeks ago, my husband sent me a link to a parenting article that openly used the B word in reference to parenting.
He was elated. It turned out there was someone else in...
How Exercise Makes Me a Better Mom
Let me be super clear about something up front: I don’t always like working out.
I don’t wake up in the morning scrambling for my sports bra and thinking, “how far should I run today??”...
Please: Take Mom’s Picture, Too
Well, it’s official: the holidays are over.
All that’s left, for a lot of us, is an alarming number of new toys (...donation time!) and about eleventy-zillion photos.
The other day, I was looking through all...