Sarah Jedd

Sarah Jedd has a Ph.D. in communication arts from the University of Wisconsin-Madison where she teaches and studies the rhetoric of Planned Parenthood. Sarah has 5 (F I V E) children: teens Harry and Jack, elementary schoolers Cooper and Dorothy, and sweet baby Minnie, born in August 2020. Sarah blogs about being a mom of many at and overshares on IG as @sarahjedd. Sarah, her husband, and their kids live in Verona with the world's laziest dog.
Confession: I am hosting a small Thanksgiving dinner this year, and, um… **whispers** I am not doing all of the cooking. Instead, I am cooking a few things that my family has requested (sweet...
If you are looking for THE BEST PLAYGROUND in the Madison area (yeah-- I said it, and I'm actually pretty passionate about it), look no further than Glacial Valley Park in Cross Plains.
2119 Hillebrand...
How to Set Your Students up for Success in College
I have been a college instructor for more than 20 years, if you count my graduate student days, and I certainly do. In the past couple of decades, I have learned a lot about...
Swim Lessons for Babies at Goldfish Swim School
Did you know that drowning is the leading cause of injury-related death for children 4 and under? Did you also know that swimming is a sport your budding athlete can enjoy their whole life?...
Real Talk: It’s OK If Your Kids Don’t Go To Camp
Sometimes, I feel like the only mom I know who is not sending her kids to camps in the summer. When friends and neighbors ask me for my kids’ camp plans, and I tell...
Celebrate Pride by talking to your kids about gender and sexuality.
My thirteen year-old son started wearing rainbow Pride bracelets from Target last summer. Before school started, he bought a Pride t-shirt, too, and when...
Play Games at the Dinner Table to Make Your Meal Sweeter
I know we have all heard the old adage don’t play with your food, but in our house, we definitely do. Well, I mean, it's not like we encourage the kids to build steak...
Parent Hack: Theme Your Days
I don't know about you, but I can struggle to be the happy fun mom I want to be, especially when the kids are home for an extended period of time, like a long...
1000 Hours Outside: Get Kids off Their Screens and on Their Feet
My family is participating in the 1000 Hours Outside challenge, meaning we are going to be outside for what amounts to about 3 hours a day. Want to join us? It’s going to be...
Why You Should Do Your Future Self a Favor
Raise your hand if you feel overwhelmed at least 75% of the time. Oh wow. That’s everyone. All of us. WE ARE ALL RAISING OUR HANDS. Including me. Heck, especially me these days. I...
Light and Fluffy Romance Novels You Should Read Right Now
Sorry if this title is too bossy. Maybe you should read these whenever you get a chance. “Right now” is really presumptuous. I mean, we are all moms, and we all know how busy...
Hashtag 5th Baby: Tips from a Slacker Mom Who’s Been Around the Block
Nothing makes the mom of a 5th baby feel like more of slacker than an online moms’ group full of bright-eyed, bushy-tailed first moms. Oh my goodness! The women in my particular group run...