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(Madison, WI): On a night filled with anticipation and excitement, Hickory Hill Academy hosted a dual celebration that filled the community with hearts brimming with gratitude. It was a night of the Harvest Party and the Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for their impressive new K-8th grade school building. 

As Jamie Herold, Chief Academic Officer, aptly puts it, “Every community has its story, and it’s been a pleasure over the years to listen and learn more about the story of HHA. From conversations with the Dahl family, to stories told by teachers, to anecdotes shared by families, to the voices of students, it’s been so much fun to not only learn more about our school, but notice the ways in which these stories are shared with a mixture of reverence for our roots, excitement for the present moment, hope for what’s yet to come, and the kind of pride that comes with being part of a community that you love.”

This ceremony wasn’t just about a new building; it was a chance to reflect on where the school began and the incredible journey it has undertaken. By revisiting its roots, the celebration of the present and future gained a special depth and excitement.

To understand the significance of the Harvest Party, we turn to the Dahl family, who are a cornerstone of HHA’s history. Sandra and Will Dahl founded the school in their home, and today, it has expanded and blossomed into the remarkable institution it is. This year marked the 10th Harvest Party at the school, and you might wonder why they chose to celebrate the harvest. The answer lies in HHA’s long-standing commitment to a robust gardening program.

Since the school’s inception, HHA students have embraced nature on their scenic, 10-acre campus as they acquired the skills of planting seeds, nurturing seedlings, witnessing growth, and ultimately reaping the rewards of their hard work by harvesting and savoring the fruits of their labor.

This ethos of cultivation, whether it’s tending to their gardens or nurturing the potential within the students, is ingrained in their DNA. As the HHA community has flourished, this spirit of cultivation has found a formal home in their vision – cultivating compassionate leaders. It’s a vision that permeates every corner of their program, from the stunning murals adorning the new building to the winding garden pathways near the Early Childhood Education buildings. Even the cheers for their new volleyball and flag football teams echo the same sentiment.

The legacy and vision of cultivating compassionate leaders shine brightly through every chapter in the story of their community. It’s not just a tagline; it’s a promise, a commitment, and a shared purpose that binds them together.

As they stand on the precipice of what the future holds for HHA, there’s an undeniable sense of excitement in the air. Each day, families entrust them with the education, safety, and holistic development of their children. It’s a responsibility they take seriously, and it’s powered by the dynamic blend of a thriving campus, a thoughtful curriculum, and a united community. This combination creates the kind of magic that fills the campus with energy, purpose, and belonging. Their students are more than just learners; they are leaders in the making. With deep roots and strong wings, there’s no limit to what they can achieve as a community.

These celebrations were moments to remember, but they also mark the beginning of an exciting journey ahead for Hickory Hill Academy.

Learn more about Hickory Hill Academy 

Are you interested in learning more about their school and program? HHA is currently open for enrollment! Whether you are interested in their Early Childhood Program (12 weeks – 4K) or the Lower and Middle School (K-8th grade), they’d love to meet you and hear more about what you are looking for! Click HERE to visit their website and inquire today! to visit their website and inquire today. Join them in cultivating the compassionate leaders of the future!

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