Interview With A Mom – Lindsay Geier, MD

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We are continuing with our series – INTERVIEW WITH A MOM… interviewing local moms about themselves. With a goal of connecting us even more as people and a community!


I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Lindsay Geier MD, a local pediatrician for a fun and interesting interview. It was wonderful getting to know this fun and bright person who is also a talented and caring doctor.

Me: What is a job (or career) you have had that was the most fun (not including motherhood)?

Lindsay: I would say my current job, I love…absolutely love working with children. That’s the piece of my job that keeps everyday so fun and exciting which was one of the reasons I knew I wanted to do pediatrics. Even the med students will come in and say “you play all day, you have so much fun with your patients”. I would say this is my favorite job, although I did do everything straight through so I didn’t have a lot of other jobs…I mean I waitressed and bartended in college, which was fun because I’m a social person and I like to talk. Being a pediatrician has been my favorite job. Pediatricians have the highest job satisfaction among any other doctors…we do it because we love it.

Me: I think the fact that you love it is in part what makes you so good at it.

Lindsay: Yes, you have to have that passion for it. There are those days where you have to give bad news…there is always those hard days but for the most part it is a happy and rewarding profession. The continuity as people grow older. Seeing kids frequently and getting to know the whole family…it’s just a lot of fun.


Me: What is your favorite treat or dessert to have when you’re “kid-free” and don’t have to share?

Lindsay: Ooh that’s a tough one, I have a very bad sweet tooth. I will drink a mocha…anytime. Of corse I don’t share that with my children, although I’m sure they would love me to. Anything with chocolate, like a triple chocolate cake sounds fantastic for a date night. Luckily my husband doesn’t like sweets so I don’t have to share.

Me: My husband is the same, it’s the best.


Me: What is your favorite music to listen to while in the car?

Lindsay: I actually really like Pop Country. It’s funny because I didn’t grow up listening to country. My dad was a really good singer and we would always listen to oldies and jam to oldies in the car. In the last five or ten years or so I have really gotten into country. Maybe I’m getting too old for a lot of the other hits. It’s music that puts me in a good mood. Crank the music in the car and it really get s me going for the day. It’s really interesting how much music effects your mood. Carrie Underwood is an artist I like.

Me: Music really does affect your mood. You need something upbeat in the morning to get you up and awake. Do your kids mind if that is on or do they want kid music?

Lindsay: No they actually like it too, they will sometimes be singing along in the back of the car. Even my husband has gotten into it because I have it on.


Me: What is your favorite most lived in outfit?

Lindsay: When I’m at home I’m wearing comfy clothes. Because I have to dress up every day I usually wear comfortable things when I’m at home. I have this pair of fleece pants that I throw on many nights after work and an old long sleeve race t-shirt and I’ll be good to go.

Me: That sounds pretty comfy.

Lindsay: Definitely not fancy at home whatsoever. Neither is my husband…we dress up all day long so when we get home we are ready to just be comfortable.

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Me: I fully support that.

Lindsay: I’m trying to become more fashionable when I’m not working. I’m trying to rely on things like stitch fix to help me with my fashion sense. Like a good look is a maxi dress and a jean jacket.

Me: Yes! I love maxi dresses. I used to think I was too short for them…I’m only 5’5″.

Lindsay: 5’5″ is taller than average.

Me: Really! I thought I was exactly average. I’m getting taller.

Lindsay: 5’4″ is now 50% on the growth chart for women.

Me: Oh, people are getting shorter than.


Me: Who was your most influential role model and how did they help shape your life?

Lindsay: I can think of a couple of people who were great role models professionally but I would say my mom was the most influential one in my life. She is a very hard working person. I feel like I have learned my work ethic from her. She works harder than anybody I know. She is just the housekeeper, the mother, the hard working go-getter business women. She has taught me that I can do everything and find balance. You can be good at multiple things that you do. She’s such a great person…bubbly and social. She always has a positive outlook and that is something I was lucky to inherit from her. So we can go on very little sleep, we work hard and can be very optimistic, positive people. I think that’s why we are both successful with our current jobs and families.

Me: What is your mom’s job?

Lindsay: She is a real estate agent…since 1988. She works here in Madison.

Me: That is one of those careers you have to be very good at what you do to be successful.

Lindsay: Yes, and she is very good at what she does. She’s been a wonderful role model.


Me: What’s something you do (or strive to do) just for you?

Lindsay: I’m working on this. I’m trying to be better about working out…I used to be very athletic. I feel like that’s something that I gave up between medical school and having children. I’m trying to find ways to become active again. Since the fall I have been doing a masters swim program in Verona. So every week I have been swimming.

Me: That’s awesome.

Lindsay: I used to be a big runner. I try to do it when I can but having something that you are signed up for and you pay to do makes it easier to do. It’s great. So carving out a little bit of time for myself every week and I’m getting exercise.

Me: I think that’s wonderful, it’s so important to take time for yourself and you come back to life renewed.

Lindsay: Exactly.


Me: What is the best piece of parenting/ mothering advice you have received?

Lindsay: It came from my mom. She knows that I have had a lot of “mommy guilt” throughout the years. I had my son during my fourth year of medical school and my daughter during my third year of residency. I worked a lot of hours and missed a lot of milestones. My mom has always reminded me that “quality is more important that quantity”. I don’t necessarily know if that’s true but it’s made me feel better. Yes I work a lot and I miss more things than I would like to but the time that I do have them I try to make it high quality. Make the most of our time together when I am at home.

Me: I think it is true. I have always believed that. Not to say there is no value in quantity. But making the most of the time you have with someone is important.

Lindsay: I don’t claim to be always good at it…I mean you come home and you’re tired…

Me: But I don’t think quality means what people always think…Just being engaged with your child is more important than doing 8 Pinterest crafts and making homemade soufflé.

Lindsay: You’re right. Quality time can be laundry or helping me make dinner.


Me: What is your best piece of advice to parents as a pediatrician?

Lindsay: Being present for your kid. We do the best we can as parents and no one can be a perfect parent. If you can teach by example. Seeing you being kind to others..parents being good role models has a profound way of benefiting their children.

Me: That’s great advice.


Dr. Geier


Lindsay Geier, MD is a pediatrician at UW Health West Clinic and an assistant professor for the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health.  Her clinical interests include nutrition and childhood obesity.  She lives in the Madison area with her husband Ryan and 2 children, Brady (8) and Lauren (5).  In her free time she loves to spend time with her family, go boating and attend UW athletic events!

Tara is mom to two energetic daughters Bianca and Iyla. Passionate about inspiring others to cook healthy, delicious and allergy-friendly food, she owns Yummy Sprout, which provides healthy culinary adventures through classes and more. Check out Tara has been featured in the Wisconsin State Journal and on Channel 3 WISC-TV on topics including “making your own baby food”, “cooking with kids” and “packing healthy school lunches”. She adores living in Madison and all it has to offer family life. Her favorite ways to spend time include messing up her kitchen while recipe testing, running, yoga, writing, painting, traveling and reading books with her girls.



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