10 Lessons for My Daughters

Dear Sweet Baby Girls,

You ARE a dream come true. (Please never forget that). And I will always love you with every ounce of my being. I will always remember how desperately I yearned to bring you into this world. I will never forget my joy when I heard the words ‘It’s a GIRL!‘ and I will always worry about how the world treats you. But just remember you are worthy of love and even on the toughest days, when you have to dig extra deep – you will find it within to persevere. You are stronger than you could ever imagine.

Things may not always go how you plan. And that’s okay. Adversity will help you build strength you didn’t even know existed. People will not always treat you kindly. It hurts – I KNOW it hurts – I have been there, too. But it’s okay, sometimes when people are unkind… it teaches you to be more loving. Kids were not always nice to me – there were days when I cried on the inside, while trying to look brave on the outside. In middle school there were times that I felt completely alone and wondered why girls (who also happened to be my ‘friends’) could be so cruel. In high school I tried to fit in, but had trouble finding my tribe. And that’s okay – all of it has made me who I am today. I have become a strong, loving woman. I am a mother, a daughter, a wife & a friend.

I want you to know that beauty comes from deep within your soul. In 25 years no one is going to remember what brand of clothes you were wearing or how beautiful you looked on the outside. They are going to remember how you treated them. How you made them feel. They are going to remember that you were kind and loving and that because of you, their day was a little bit brighter.

Life can be hard and it literally breaks my heart that you will have to find that out through challenging trials and experiences. But it is those same experiences that will form you into a strong, loving woman and when people think about you 25 years from now… I pray that they remember you with a smile and think about how it was YOU who brightened their day. It was YOU who was kind and who helps make this world a little bit better.

I will do my best to let you learn from your own experiences. My mother did the same for me. She has always been my rock. She is a glaring ray of sunshine on a cloudy day and has always loved me despite my (many) flaws. She let me learn from my mistakes and cheered me on during my accomplishments. She taught me to be thankful for the many blessings that life has provided me with. I am who I am because of her.

I will always be here to laugh with you, to cry with you, to be your voice of reason and to cheer you on as you navigate the game of life. I am sharing with with you 10 lessons that I want you to always take with you.

10 Lessons

BE YOURSELF: If someone doesn’t like you for YOU, that is their loss. Never compromise yourself to please someone else.

DON’T LET OTHERS DETERMINE YOUR WORTH: You are created perfectly… you are worthy of love and respect.

DON’T SAY YOU’RE SORRY: Only say you’re sorry when you have done something that merits an apology. And when you have done wrong, you can apologize and people will believe that you genuinely mean it.

SAY NO: When someone wants you to do something that goes against what you know to be right… just say NO. When you are asked to commit your time to something that you really don’t want to do… just say NO. Time is our most valuable asset – choose to spend it wisely.

BE KIND… ALWAYS BE KIND: Even when it’s hard. Even when someone has done you wrong. Be kind. Be the bigger person and move on.

SMILE, LAUGH, DON’T STOP VIEWING THE WORLD WITH AWE: Smile every day, laugh every day, live every day. Don’t be afraid to try new things.

ALWAYS TELL THE TRUTH: Even when it would be easier to lie. The truth will set you free. The truth is also much easier to remember.

DON’T BE AFRAID TO FAIL: It’s okay to make mistakes, only then will you learn. Only then will you discover your strength.

STAND UP FOR WHAT’S RIGHT: When you see someone being treated unfairly, don’t be afraid to speak up. If a peer is being tormented, let them know that it’s okay – that they are beautifully and wonderfully made and that this too shall pass.

And above all else… LOVE WITH ALL YOUR HEART.  

It is these lessons that I want you to always remember. This is your life, you only get one and I am thankful that I get to spend the rest of mine with you.

I love you forever Sweet Baby Girls.

Alisa Sleep
Alisa was born and raised in Iowa before attending Arizona State University. She then lived in Chicago, Georgia and Florida before settling in Madison. From her nomadic lifestyle grew a love for the beach, as well as a fondness for spicy food, sushi, white wine, southern charm, Diamondbacks baseball and idyllic ocean sunsets. Alisa and her husband, Joe, are parents to Ava Mae (August 2012) and twins, Nora & Jacob (March 2014). Alisa is a work-from-home mompreneur with a passion for business, fashion, fitness, community and all things mom. When she’s not enjoying time at home with her family, you can find her sweating it out on the tennis court, training for the next big race, pinning her heart out on Pinterest and exploring Madison with her little ones (and sweet Boston Terrier, Peaches) in tow.



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