Mommy and Me Date Ideas

Regardless if you have one child, two children or minivan full of little ones… carving out one on one time with each child can be a wonderful way to connect with your children and spend some of that important quality time with them. Here are some fun ideas for “dates” with your children!

  1. Coffee Date – Have your child pack up a coloring book, books or any other quiet activities they like and head to a local coffee shop. Most places have hot cocoa or they will steam a little milk so your kiddo can have the fun of drinking a hot “cup of joe” too! Find a cozy spot to chat and do activities. It’s also a great time to play tic tac toe or hangman.IMG_3826
  2. Theater Date – Living in Madison offers some of the best of urban life. Children’s Theater of Madison as well as the Overture Center for the Arts make it easy to find a kid-friendly production to enjoy with your child/ children.IMG_8521
  3. Book Store Date – Spend an afternoon at a book store. From Harry Potter to Fancy Nancy this is a great way to find some books you can read together at any age!IMG_3696
  4. Sushi Date – Take your child out for a lunch or dinner to a sushi restaurant. I guarantee you’ll have fun attempting to master chopsticks and watching the sushi chefs at work!IMG_1145
  5. Before School Donut Date – Get up a bit earlier than usual and stop at a local bakery for a donut before the days activities. It’s a special treat and a chance to snag a few extra minutes together before the day is in full swing.IMG_4764
  6. Hiking Date – Find a favorite park or trail (bundle up if necessary) and hike with your child/ children being sure to observe the things you see like plants, rocks, snow. In warmer weather it’s fun to grab some paper and pencils so you can work together to draw some of what you find.IMG_1995
  7. Smoothies & Swimming Date – Most health clubs and local pools that teach lessons have an open swim or family swim times. Take your child out for a smoothie then hit the pool for some water fun with your little one.IMG_5093
  8. Farmer’s Market Date – Depending on the time of year you can visit an indoor market or an outdoor farmer’s market. Bring a bag for you and your child so you can each find things to purchase. Fruits, veggies, honey….the possibilities are endless.IMG_4987 (1)
  9. Museum Date – The children’s museum is fun but try visiting other museums too, such as the Museum of Contemporary Art or Chicago’s Museum of Science and Industry with your child. You will be amazed at their observations and how the artwork speaks to them. They may have a shorter attention span than you but the experience will be a great chance to spark future conversations.IMG_4221
  10. Skate Date – Try ice skating or roller skating with your child/ children. You’ll be amazed how it brings out the sense of adventure in both of you (plus it’s a great way to get older kids to hold your hand again)!IMG_3499


Tara is mom to two energetic daughters Bianca and Iyla. Passionate about inspiring others to cook healthy, delicious and allergy-friendly food, she owns Yummy Sprout, which provides healthy culinary adventures through classes and more. Check out Tara has been featured in the Wisconsin State Journal and on Channel 3 WISC-TV on topics including “making your own baby food”, “cooking with kids” and “packing healthy school lunches”. She adores living in Madison and all it has to offer family life. Her favorite ways to spend time include messing up her kitchen while recipe testing, running, yoga, writing, painting, traveling and reading books with her girls.


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