SwimWest Swim School has 2 Locations and is Now Enrolling for Fall

(Madison, WI): SwimWest Swim School is a year-round, child friendly aquatic safety program. They have two convenient locations — one in West Madison/Middleton and one in Fitchburg. For the past 30+ years they have provided top notch swimming lessons to thousands of families in our community. They are local/family owned and provide a top quality, internationally recognized, learn-to-swim program.

The pool water is a warm 90 degrees and the air temperature is 92 degrees – to keep the swimmers warm in AND out of the water. The lessons build confidence, teach water safety skills, and allow children to build physical, social and mental benefits for a lifetime of fun!

Swimming is a critical skill and something that is paramount for every child. Children as young as 4 months old can enroll at SwimWest – there are proven benefits to being exposed to the water at a young age. Water safety is a top priority at SwimWest – they make learning to swim ‘fun’, while also teach valuable lessons about safety.

Now Enrolling for Fall

SwimWest is now enrolling for fall lessons. You can determine your child’s level using this chart.

Enroll at the Madison location here | 1001 Deming Way – Madison, WI

Enroll at the Fitchburg location here | 6220 Nesbitt Rd – Fitchburg, WI

Continuous Enrollment

Students learn better with consistency thus promoting constant progress. Swimmers can enroll at any time throughout the year. SwimWest has a ‘school year schedule’ and a ‘summer schedule’ to allow for families who need to change schedules over the summer months. Continuous enrollment is budget friendly. Rather than paying tuition for several months at a time, families will be enrolled in monthly billing.

Sibling discounts will be applied to families with more than one swimmer or who are enrolled for more than one class a week.

Madison • 608.831.6829 • [email protected]

Fitchburg • 608.276.7946 • [email protected]

Madison Family
Madison is such a cool city. We love it around here. We live here too and our vision is to create a platform where real parents share real stories and we can all learn from one another. You will get to know real moms doing life right here in our neighborhoods and find information on a wealth of topics – local summer camps, preschools, swim lessons, shops and boutiques, events and experiences as so much more.


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