The Beautiful Faces of Prematurity :: Then & Now

Prematurity (an adjective) is defined as occurring, arriving, or done too soon. And when referring to infants it is any baby who is born before 37 weeks of gestation. As a mother going into premature labor, it can feel helpless and scary. You might experience fear and desperation (to keep that baby in utero!) or if you are like me, there might even be a feeling of disbelief. Up until my twins were delivered at 30 weeks & 2 days, I had no signs of delivering early – it came as a total shock when I went into labor (you can read about my birth story here). My babies spent 7 full weeks in the NICU, but are now lively, strong & determined 20 month olds. 

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I remember feeling like I was on a roller coaster ride while my babies were in the NICU, it was full of highs and lows… one step forward and two steps back. I remember feeling every emotion imaginable and even now I sometimes get emotional when I think of Nora & Jacob’s first moments on this earth. But the emotion I experience the most is one of overwhelming joy and thankfulness.

Today is World Prematurity Day and we are celebrating some of life’s best miracles… the tiny ones who overcame all odds and who are thriving, growing and taking the world by a storm! We asked some of our readers to share photos of of their tiny baby at birth along with a current photo. It is SO cool to see the beautiful faces of prematurity, each story is unique and each child is a blessing.

CB1BC477-0476-47C3-9612-350308840872.JPG norajacobNora & Jacob | Born at 30 weeks 2 days | 3 lbs 1 oz & 3 lbs 8 oz | Now 20 months old 35 5 104Andrew | Born at 35 weeks | 5 lbs 10 oz | Now 4 years old 31 wk 5 day 3 6 and 3 14yearsElla & Eva | Born at 31 weeks 5 days | 3 lbs 6 0z & 3 lbs 1 oz | Now 4 years old 25 wk 4 1.87
Skylar | Born at 25 weeks 4 days | 1 lb 8.7 oz | Now 10 years old
unnamed-4 unnamed
Charli Grace | Born at 25 weeks | 1 lb 4.8 oz | Now 3 1/2 years old 12272635_568474523358_1005000298_n
Sadie | Born at 31 weeks 5 days | 2 lbs 14 oz | Now 17 months old
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Leah | Born at 34 weeks | 3 lbs 15 oz | Now 1 year old
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Mali | Born at 32 weeks | 3 lbs | Now 2 1/2 years old
Matthew | Born at 34 weeks 6 days | 6 lbs 5 oz | Now 2 1/2 years old12270477_10207175178714618_1240873655_n
Rory | Born at 23 weeks | 1 lb 6 oz | Now 2 1/2 years old
32 wk 1 day 4 lb 5 2 and a half
Nina & James | 32 weeks 1 day | 4 lbs 8 oz | Now 2 1/2 years old 12243771_10207708027648540_1291607075_n
Olivia | Born at 26 weeks | 1 lb 6 oz | Now 10 months old
Blake & Dominick | Born at 33 weeks | 4 lbs 14 oz & 5 lbs 5 oz | Now 17 months old
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Elijah | Born TWICE: 25 weeks & 33 weeks | 5 lbs 9 oz | Now 3 years old
Here is more about his story!

Each of these babies have a different and unique birth story but they all share one underlying common denominator – they started off tiny. But look at them NOW! 


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