To All the Moms

To the moms who don’t have the babies they wished for
To the moms who have babies they didn’t plan for
To the moms who didn’t birth their own babies
To the moms whose babies are better off with someone else

To the moms who feel like something is missing
To the moms who are totally fulfilled
To the moms who want more
To the moms who want less

To the work-at-home moms
To the work-from-home moms
To the work-outside-the-home moms

To the moms of one
To the moms of multiples
To the moms of many
To the surrogate moms
To the adoptive moms

To the stepmoms
To the stepping-in moms
To the dads who also mom
To the moms who also dad
To the grandmoms
To the furbaby moms

To the moms who breastfeed
To the moms who bottlefeed
To the moms who don’t have the choice
To the moms who stand by their choice
To the moms who doubt their decisions

To the Keto moms
To the Paleo moms
To the South Beach moms
To the vegan moms
To the gluten-free moms
To the gluten-full moms
To the dairy-free moms

To the nut-free moms
To the fish-free moms (Is that a thing? Is it only me?)
To the fast-food moms
To the something-of-everything moms

To the Democrat moms
To the Republican moms
To the Independent moms
To the moms who march

To the moms who don’t
To the feminist moms
To the traditional moms
To the moms who don’t know what they are
To the moms who go back and forth

To the adventurous moms
To the terrified moms

To the low-key moms
To the high-maintenance moms
To the hot-mess moms
To the hands-off moms
To the helicopter moms
To the tiger moms

To the moms who grow their own food
To the moms who serve overcooked corndogs (again)

To the moms who cry every night
To the moms who don’t let anyone see them cry
To the moms who hate coffee
To the moms who treat themselves
To the moms who count every calorie

To the moms who drink
To the moms who don’t

To the sleep-training moms
To the co-sleeping moms
To the holistic moms
To the science moms
To the do-whatever-works-at-the-time moms

To the moms who have it all planned out
To the moms who have no idea what they’re doing
To the new moms
To the veteran moms

I see you.

You got this.

You are amazing.

You. Are. Amazing.

You are stronger than anyone knows.

It is not your fault.

You are not the worst mom ever.

You will get through this.

It will get easier.

(It might get harder.)

It won’t be like this forever.


Jenny is a Madison transplant from Winona, MN, with imaginative and talkative twin boys Cameron and Carson, born November 2010, and one very old kitten Arabella, born March 2003, and one very young kitten JoJo, born May 2018. Her husband is a Madison native and suckered her in to staying. She graduated in 2001 from the University of Minnesota-Duluth with a bachelor's degree in English Literature, currently working in financial services full-time and writing in her scant spare time when inspiration strikes. She tentatively blogs, with brutal honesty, on and frequently Instagrams. Besides whipped cream and kittens, she loves reading, writing, coffee, wine, cooking, traveling, movies, and spending time with family and close friends. Jenny is thrilled to be on the Madison Moms Blog team and happy to share her wacky and sarcastic tales of Madison momhood.



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