10 Differences In Your Third Pregnancy

This summer our family will be welcoming a new little band member to our bunch!


We are all over the moon excited forĀ our newest little blessing to make his/her debut later this summer. It will be quite an adventure having three children under four but I am up for the challenge.Ā My oldest son is currently three and a half and the youngest is 18 months. Ā And despite the never ending piles of laundry and fact that my house always looks like a bomb went off, a third baby is going to be the perfect addition to our family. It is extra fun this time around too because my older son actually understands that he will have a new little brother or sister soon. He has been “practicing” changing diapers and feeding bottles to his stuffed animals. It is incredibly cute. He is insistent that he is going to have a little sister soĀ I am extra excited to find out soon whether he is right or not!

So far, this third pregnancy is shaping up much differently than the first two. Today, I wanted to share 10 things that are different about pregnancy #3.

1) Bring On The Maternity Clothes: As soon as you take the confirming pregnancy test, be ready to break out your maternity clothes. With baby #1, I didn’t start wearing maternity clothes until close to 18 weeks. It was a little earlier with baby #2, more like 12 weeks. But with this baby, my body “assumed the position” pretty much as soon as I peed on that little stick! I even started to think I was farther along than I was because of how big I was getting. But after a quick google search I confirmed this is pretty normal with the third pregnancy. Thank goodness.

And I found this Maternity Bra to be the most comfortable and loved this Nursing Bra with my past two pregnancies!

Baby 2

2) Nesting Early:Ā Remember that overwhelming need to clean and organize everything in sight that usually hits towards the end of your pregnancy? The nesting instinct. Ā Well I am doing that already. It started pretty much the second I found out I was pregnant. It is probably just the realization and appreciation for how chaotic and unorganized it already is but I seriously can’t find enough drawers or closets to clean and organize right now (*Note: That does not mean anything is actually getting cleaned or organized but the desire is there).

3) Bring on the Java: Did you give up caffeine in your first pregnancy? I did! Cold turkey. With baby #2 I debated it a bit more but did drink some coffee during the course of the pregnancy after getting the green light from my doctor. It was necessary after long nights up with the newborn trying to keep up with the 22 month old. Well with this third pregnancy, I didn’t even think twice – of course I am going to drink my morning cup of coffee! I have two kids I am chasing all day everyday Ā — it really wasn’t even a second thought. And in the spirit of honestly, I have been slightly more lax about some of the other pregnancy rules as well, namely the lunch meat one.

4) No Time For Research: You don’t rely on the pregnancy books nearly as much as you did in your other pregnancies. During my first pregnancy I consulted with the “What To Expect When You’re Expecting” book daily. I kept it on my nightstand and would read it regularly with joy and excitement. Ā It was so fun to learn around the various milestones and changes that were taking place each week. This pregnancy I have only consulted it once. Who has time to read it? I pretty much know what is going on this time around anyways!

5) Where Can I Buy A Mini Van? You seriously consider purchasing a mini van. I have been a very happy SUV-driving mommy for three years now and I really don’tĀ have an interest in changing this. Until we found out we are pregnant with baby #3. Now we are thinking it might be necessary in order to fit all three carseats in! I’ll keep you posted on what we decide!

And speaking of fitting three kids – this is my favorite triple stroller option!

6) Leaving the House With Two Kids Suddenly Seems So Easy:Ā For the past 18 months leaving the house has been such a challenge. Ā The grocery store, the library, the mall, chasing two at the play centers — everything has been more difficult since the arrival of baby #2. However, once pregnant with baby #3, you suddenly think it is super easy to go out and about with your two children! It is amazing how much my attitude has changed on this issue.

7) Oh the Urge: Remember the end of your pregnancy when your expanding uterus presses on your bladder so much you have the constant urge to pee? Yeah, well that is how I started to feel beginning at week 10. I can only imagine what it is going to feel like by week 38!

8) What Week Am I Again? In my first pregnancies I could tell you precisely what week and day I was throughout most of the pregnancy. This time around I regularly have to stop and think about my answer when people ask me how far along I am. You just completely lose track of weeks and days this time around because you are so busy chasing the other two!

9) No Time To Be Tired: There is very little time to be sick or tired. Remember that first trimester exhaustion? I pretty much skipped right into the second trimester energy. Maybe I got super lucky but I blame some of it on the fact that I simply cannot be sick or tired. Moms don’t get sick or vacation days. It just isn’t the reality of my days right now. So yes I feel a little bit extra tired when I finally sit down for the first time all day at 9pm each day, but I can’t tell if it is from chasing two toddlers or if it is from the pregnancy!

10)Ā Diaper Coupons, Anyone? I have already gone through the routine of having two children in diapers at the same time. For a time I was going through approximately 18-20 diapers a day! Hence my desire to potty train the older one as quickly as possible! It can be expensive if you aren’t prepared! I have learned to stock up on diapers when they go on sale so I never run out and am forced to payĀ full price for a pack of diapers. Once again I started as soon as I got the positive pregnancy confirmation because I have a solid three more years of diapers in my future.

Click here to read also: 10 Gift Ideas for Second (or Third) time Moms (That They Actually Want)

And here are some fun ways to share the news with your kids!

Have you experienced three or more pregnancies? Are there any differences I am missing? Please share!


  1. Hey ladies! Just found out about a week ago I am having baby number 3!
    And I am about 5wks now but have lower abdominal pain (more like pressure is being applied not so much hurtful pain) did any of you ladies have this as well during 3rd time also I e had c sections with both my last pregnancies.

  2. I’m 5 weeks pregnant and my oldest is 14. My youngest is 3. I am about to be 35 and nervous. My husband has all the morning sickness thank goodness! My concern is the shortness of breath I’m having. Has anyone experienced this?

  3. Hello Ladies,

    Iā€™m about 9weeks. Iā€™ll get a ultrasound next week to confirm. I have a 3yr and 5 yr old and expecting baby #3. I have had the best 2 pregnancies and this one is just awful. I had extremely bad abdominal pain for weeks. That went away thank goodness. But now, Iā€™m constantly sick every two hours. I canā€™t keep anything down and which is worse, Iā€™m extremely gassy I canā€™t stop burping, Iā€™m eating plain foods and drinking lots of water (no straws, due to air).
    I donā€™t know what to do. Itā€™s extremely uncomfortable and keeps me up all night.

    I canā€™t eat enough tums to save my life.

    Any ladies have these symptoms? Everyone says this shall pass…. please tell me when?

    • SAME. 3rd pregnancy, @11wks. The sickness during the my two pregnancies was a joke: nothing more than a minor inconvenience here and there. This time, though, I have been miserable – TUMS has saved me, but nothing else has really helped. Cheers and hugs to you! One week at a time!

    • I found preggie pops on Amazon and they helped a lot. I have a constant nasty taste in my mouth and it helped to curb that as well

    • This is me right as well. 6 and 2 year old 3rd pregnancy and have had the most horrible symptoms. I had 2 girls and morning sickness was never this bad its all day. I cant sleep having to go pee and just cramping in my abdomen went to the doctor they said baby is fine and nothing is wrong i have felt so exhausted like beyond I fall asleep every 2 hours or should I say unable to get up pf bed . Im so moody. Not hungry really but sick from also waiting to long or not having enough due to the avoiding of the sickness after I eat. I feel woozy feeling all day. Doctor said baby is fine everything looks great .

  4. Has anyone experienced super early pregnancy symptoms with subsequent pregnancies. I’m currently trying to figure out what’s wrong with me. It is possible I could be pregnant again, but it’s a slim chances. I have heartburn, nausea, extremely tired, and yesterday I started having sciatic pain in my right again like I did with my second. If I am pregnant I would only be a few weeks. Still too early to test.

  5. Hello
    I am so happy I found this article to read because no one is relating to me right now. I have a 3 1/2 year old and a 14 month old and I am about 10 weeks pregnant. Everything you listed above is like I was reading my personal life story. It feels so good to know there are other moms that are experiencing the exact same things I am experiencing. I can finally breathe

  6. I’m 7 weeks pregnant with baby #3. I have an almost 5 year old and a 3 month old. The nausea is terrible and I’m lactose intolerant with this pregnancy. I didnt even know what was a thing

    • I am pregnant with my 3rd and I’m about 5 weeks along. With my other 2 I was sick all the the time and this one is starting out the same way. The only thing that has seemed to help with my 2nd and this one is a spoon full of yellow mustard. It sounds gross but if you can get past the initial taste it will ease the nausea for A few hours at a time and its almost immediately after you eat it.

  7. Too Cents. I was able to identify my 2nd & now 3rd around 2 weeks. It’s the only time I get heartburn and I had horrible nausea with the heat this time. My dog also started attaching more again.

  8. Iā€™m 40 and just found out Iā€™m pregnant with baby no 3, I have a 16 and 10 year old, really struggling with this as I have a new partner and it wasnā€™t planned at the min Iā€™m going it alone.

    • I’m 41 and am 6 weeks I have a 15 year old and my son just turned 10.I know exactly how you feel. You will get through this, I will too. It seems this pregnancy is different. Have you experienced bad abdominal pain cramping it wakes me up out of my sleep. Doctor said its normal but I surely didn’t have this with my other 2.

  9. I have a 26months old boy and a 4momths baby and expecting another
    OMG I don’t know how it happened lol. Fingers crossed ???? I survive this journey


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