2018 Summer of Bucky | #BuckyOnParade

Hellllllo SUMMER and hello BUCKY! If you’ve left your house or tuned into your social media channels this month, then you’ve noticed that Bucky is everywhere. No, seriously – he is EVERYWHERE in Madison. 85 locations to be exact! Bucky on Parade is a free public art event running from May 7­–September 12, 2018. Local and regional artists have transformed life size statues of Bucky into works of art. Event proceeds will support Garding Against CancerMadison Area Sports Commission and other community charities.

And it gets exciting for parents out there! Kids can enter to win prizes when they find ALL 85 Bucky statues this summer. I don’t know if my kids have ever been more motivated to explore the greater Madison area and to actually (sort of) cooperate for photos.

Some of the AMAZING prizes include: 

  1. Behind the scenes Camp Randall tour with Bucky Badger
  2. One (1) Madison Children’s Museum year-long family membership
  3. $100 University Book Store gift card
  4. Four (4) tickets to Children’s Theater of Madison’s “A Christmas Carol”

The first 100 kids to complete the book will also receive a free t-shirt and ticket to a Children’s Theater of Madison show!


Click here to check out the digital download for the Kids Activity Book and Bucky Coloring Sheet – as well as places where you can pick up copies already printed! And all the details for how to enter to win prizes are on that page as well. 

And Save the Date:

Saturday, September 29
6:00–11:30 PM
Kohl Center, 601 W Dayton St, Madison

So get out and explore our awesome city — summer in Madison is amazing, and with Bucky everywhere we go it just got a little better! 

Here are just some of the Bucky’s we’ve hit up so far… in downtown Middleton, Hilldale, Wisconsin Brewing Company and the Memorial Union Terrace! 

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Madison Family
Madison is such a cool city. We love it around here. We live here too and our vision is to create a platform where real parents share real stories and we can all learn from one another. You will get to know real moms doing life right here in our neighborhoods and find information on a wealth of topics – local summer camps, preschools, swim lessons, shops and boutiques, events and experiences as so much more.



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