5 Reasons Why Life is Better with Grandparents

Grandparents, we don’t take enough time to cherish you, so it’s only fitting that there should be a day devoted to YOU!  If you have a grandparent in your life, consider yourself lucky! I have been so fortunate to have my great grandparents still in my life up until recently, and I still have most of my grandparents. I have the fondest memories of them all! As I raise my own children now, I appreciate them in a different way. They hold so much wisdom from more years on this earth, yet they are far enough removed from the trenches of young parenthood that they take so much delight in our children (I’m guessing I’ll feel mostly joy someday when my littles are out of the house too)…at least I hope!

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My son with his grandpas. He’s one happy boy!!

Here is why grandparents rock:

  1. The bond is real. I have not seen my kids’ faces light up quite the same way as when they see their grandparents. They are ecstatic when they see them, and my oldest says that they give the best hugs. I think that’s true – because he certainly insists on his fair share!
  2. Grandparents have secret mood taming powers. It’s true! Somehow, no matter what my kid’s moods are before they see their grandparents (crabby, hangry, overtired), the grandparents can reverse them. I don’t know how they do it. It’s not exactly fair, but maybe they’ve just earned that. I just love watching their experience and innate ability to melt the tantrums, to bring out a smile, or to coax the fullest belly-giggle from our little girl!
  3. They pass on their wisdom and experience. Visiting my grandparents as a child, I caught glimpses of how my parents grew up. As I became older I noticed traits, phrases, and how different opinions and interests were passed down. And how special it is, I imagine, for them to know that their jobs of nurturing and raising do not stop with their children! They now pass their knowledge down to youngest generation!
  4. They love our kids too. This love just seems to come so naturally and is truly beautiful to witness. Nothing warms my heart more than seeing my parents cuddle up with my tots and read stories to them, or play race cars with them. And in all honesty, as parents, we are so grateful that you love us and our kids so much that you give us a break once in a while. As we go out for dinner and drinks, know that this is absolutely one of the best things that you can do for us and for your grandchildren! Your grandchildren could use some time with some non-burned out caregivers, and we could use some time to have someone else serve us our food. Then we can return as happier parents and you can hopefully have taken some time to “spoil” our babes before you return them!
  5. Grandparents, you are great confidants. As our children grow, I hope that they escape to you to “complain” about us, and I hope that if they won’t talk to us that they’ll at least listen to your words. We know that you’ve got our backs. I hope that some of their fondest memories of growing up come from you. I know that some of my happiest memories as a child were with my grandparents. I spent time going on adventures, getting “lost” and experiencing new things, and looking at the world just a little differently. Time with them was special, more occasional and therefore memorable. I still cherish those moments to this day!

As I think about my parents and grandparents and the years of experience they have that I lack, I am truly humbled. Though it may be hard for me and our generation of parents at times to accept advice (we have so many things thrown at us telling us how to raise our children – the media, various blogs, parenting books, our doctors, friends, and our own intuition), we still appreciate your wisdom and experience. Even if we don’t always ask for advice right away, when we do, it’s appreciated more than you know. Just the notion that there’s someone who doesn’t judge, who knows us, and who will love our child no matter what s/he does, is so relieving.

So, to all the grandparents out there:

I’m sure it’s hard to let us (your own kids) go – I’m sure it’s harder to watch us falter as we raise our own. Please forgive us for the times we have not listened, and for when we think we know better. The truth is, much like when you were in our shoes, we have NO clue how to do this “parenting” thing. We’re making it up as we go along, fumbling through. Thanks for letting us make mistakes so we can learn and grow too! In that way, I guess, you never stop being a parent, right?

It must be acknowledged, though, that not everyone is fortunate to find this bond in a biological grandparent – some find it in another caring relative, friend, neighbor, or another caregiver who has a heart of gold!! To those of you who are a grandparent figure in a child’s life – you are so appreciated. We appreciate your encouragement, your support and your love of our children…more than you know!

Whether by blood relation or not, you as “grand” parents have more than earned this noble title. You are truly the grandest of parents. You’ve raised children who are raising other humans. What better promotion is there in life?

I hope that someday my children are able to express to you how much you mean to them. For now, you’ll have to settle for drool-y baby kisses, bear hugs, and high-fives…, but I’m guessing that you don’t mind…

So please, just don’t stop having faith in us, and in our children. Though things have changed throughout the years, your encouragement and positivity spur us on. From our generation to yours – thank you for passing your wisdom, experience, and your love down to us!  Keep encouraging us and having faith in our kids. We love and appreciate you more than you’ll know!



Madison Family
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