What’s Next? Finding Balance in the #MeToo Movement

So much is going on in the world right now that it’s hard to turn on the news and not hear about yet another sexual abuse scandal. The rise of the feminine has been nothing short of amazing. As a woman and a mother, it is incredibly encouraging and inspiring to see so many women coming forward and being heard. It is clear that there is a shift happening, and it’s about time. I think something important to address, though, is that rather than demonizing the masculine, we need to learn about how to create balance in our lives.

If you are familiar at all with masculine and female energy, then you know that we each have a masculine and a feminine energy inside of us. Some people have a more prominent masculine energy, which can be revealed through competitiveness, analytical thinking, and physical strength, to name a few. The feminine can be seen through emotions, flow, nurturing, and creativity. To read more about the difference between masculine and feminine energies, I recommend you read this article from The Chopra Center.

Rather than blaming the masculine, I would like to take a different approach.

Perhaps this is an opportunity to look at how we can do things differently and move forward and bring in more balanced energies, in everything we do. As a mother, there is incredible pressure on us to have it all together. We are often expected to do it all and put ourselves last and get everything done until we basically burn out. We are celebrated for overworking. Meanwhile, if you are a man and share your emotions, you are suddenly labeled as “sensitive” or “girly”. Society has created this idea of what men and women should be and act like, and what pursuing and achieving success looks like. The disappointing part about it all is that we each have masculine and feminine energies in us, so why are we expected to hide one side of us or the other in order to fit in?

I am a sexual abuse survivor, and yet I am finding it extremely difficult to blame anyone for what is going on. I don’t think it gets us anywhere to simply point fingers, shame, or blame the masculine. Technically we are all one consciousness, so when you blame or judge others, you are essentially blaming and judging yourself. I think a better, and more useful approach to what is going on is to celebrate that this shift is happening, and that we are evolving, collectively. It’s exciting to witness! Us as parents now have the responsibility to help the future generations create a more gentle, kind, and loving world, regardless of which sex they are.

So, how can we move forward and create balance between the masculine and feminine, so this out-of-balance doesn’t happen again?

Here are a few empowering questions that us as parents can ask ourselves to spark some ideas for how we can use what is happening to move forward:

  • What would it look like if we allowed our children to live in both masculine and feminine energies? What would it mean to our children to let them be who they are meant to be and encourage whatever side of them wants to come out at any given moment?
  • How do I allow my child, regardless of sex, to live in their authentic truth and pursue what they want without trying to influence what they choose to do and how they choose to explore their emotions?
  • How do we teach our children to treat others with respect, regardless of male/female, and stand up for what he/she believes in?
  • What is this shift allowing us to do in terms of raising the next generation?
  • How can we grow as parents and choose to raise our children differently than we were raised in hopes of creating a more supportive environment for them to thrive in and feel safe?

During this challenging time where a lot of emotions are flying around, I encourage you to look at how we can take this time to choose differently, to take this experience and turn it into a positive, rather than judging others. Let’s do this together. Let’s take this opportunity to help the next generation see what the world can look like when we live more in balance and harmony. Let’s see what we can create together, when we allow each other to live in each other’s own authenticity, and we allow our children to express themselves in ways they want to, rather than what society expects from them.  

We are fully capable of this and this movement is proof of it. You can choose to move forward or live in the past. I choose to see what we can become rather than focusing on what we are leaving behind.

Which do you choose?


Regina lived most of her adult life in California while pursuing her dream of being a working actress. When life blessed her with being a mother, her and her husband, Will, decided it was time to return to the Midwest, where both of them grew up. Regina returned to her home state of Wisconsin and has since added a second daughter, and a son, to her family. She is extremely passionate about living a balanced lifestyle, which includes nutritious eating, meditation, fitness, and wine. A recovering perfectionist, Regina now focuses on progress over perfection and is working on being more compassionate to herself, and vows to have self-care be a part of her daily life. She also loves to read, listen to music & podcasts, and experiment with baking. Regina lives in Verona with her husband and three children. You can follow her further on her journey at www.MoveYourRoots.com (@moveyourroots on Instagram).


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