A few years ago my younger brother embarked on a journey that would change his life forever. He took on a beautiful golden retriever named Lola with the sole purpose of training her to become a service dog someday. While he wasn’t particularly experienced as a dog trainer, he opened his heart and soul to Lola and learned every step of the way how to train her to one day help someone else. They shared two very special years together, both growing, changing and learning about each other and life. Lola even brought my brother and his new wife together. I guess you can say an adorable golden retriever is a good way to meet girls.
Two years and many special memories later, in September 2011, my brother (and his girlfriend at the time) did one of the hardest things he would has ever had to do in his life – gave Lola back to the organization so she could begin her advanced training and become a full service dog. I know what a trying time this was for my brother but he always knew what he had to do change someone’s life.
That someone was a special young man by the name of Aiden. At age eight, Aiden’s mom began searching for a way to help Aiden with some of his daily struggles with autism and discovered that a service dog may be a good option. Prior to Lola entering his world, Aiden had frequent meltdowns at school and had difficulty sleeping alone. When Aiden and Lola were paired together, almost instantly Aiden’s meldowns reduced in frequency and he was able to sleep better (he had Lola). And according to Aiden’s mom Kristen, there were also many other noticeable changes in Aiden, the biggest being with his communication. Lola is a very social dog and has lots of friends. As a result, Aiden would have to give commands and talk to people about Lola. His eye contact and communication soared after being with Lola just after a few months. Lola also taught Aiden many life skills as he was fully responsible for caring for Lola. Aiden is now 13 years old and doing extremely well. Kristen attributes much of Aiden’s progress to Lola.
Back to my brother. He has remained close with Aiden and his family over the past few years and would even visit with them regularly (before he moved away). He loved how he got to hear first-hand how Lola is helping Aiden each and every day and what a special bond they truly have.
In May of 2013, at my brother’s wedding, Aiden and Lola were beside my brother as ring bearers. For us outsiders, it was truly amazing to see the special connection not only between the boy and Lola, but between the boy and my brother. I am so proud of him and honored to call him my brother. Here are a few of the images I captured on their wedding day.
A word of advice from Aiden’s mom Kristen. The process of welcoming a service dog into your family will take some time and is an adjustment for everyone involved, including the dog. It is an important aspect to be aware of if you decide that bringing a service dog into your family’s life would be beneficial. Lola goes everywhere with Aiden but is Aiden’s dog, not the family pet. And Aiden is fully responsible for caring for Lola’s needs and taking care of her. But as Aiden and Lola’s story has shown, service dogs can provide a constant companion for children like Aiden and can help them improve their social interactions and relationships, expand their verbal and nonverbal communication, and teach life skills.
Thanks Kara for the true sweet story you did a great job presenting it. This is Aidens step grandma (Craig’s mom) and you just made me cry. I whole heartily agree with you and so glad your brother shared Lola with Ayden and all of us…She is as Kristen says “Lola da pup” and a wonderful dog who has indeed helped Aiden so much. Hats off to you all! Thank you all so look much! ????