Kim Hinkley
Kim is a mom of two toddlers, Hank and Ike. She's called both Chicago and San Francisco home, but moved to Madison after reconnecting with her college sweetheart (now her husband) after a 9-year hiatus. After a year of staying at home full-time, she's back "at the office" as the Curriculum & Programming Director at The Well Preschool. She periodically guest lectures on the importance of play for adults in UW-Madison's Consuming Happiness course. When she's not chasing after her sons, she tries to relax with pilates, random craft classes, wine and exercises her newfound love of bingo whenever possible.
We are lucky to live in a city surrounded by lakes and close to many streams. I myself have enjoyed kayaking on many of them, and especially love watching the sun set over Lake...
6 Fun Ways to Make Use of Those Leftover Jack-o’-lanterns and Gourds
Don't just toss those decaying jack-o-lanterns and the decorative gourds that have run their course! There's lots of creative things that you can do with them, including educational activities, crafts, and ones that even...
Madison-Area Drive-Through Coffee Shops
Let's face it, the only time we get to drink our coffee while it's still hot is if it's snuggled safely into a cup holder, out of reach of the sticky hands of children...
Our IVF Journey Continues: What to Do with Our Frozen Embryos?
A burst of laughter escaped my lips. The irony wasn't lost on me, sitting there in an outpatient clinic room nursing my secondborn three-month-old son, while a surgeon performed a vasectomy on my husband.
I Bank My PTO (Parenting Time Off) Days
I recently saw a post in a Facebook parent group where a mom was sharing her emotions over a week-long trip her husband was set to take with friends a few months after their...
The Guilt In Accepting Help
Before the arrival of our second son, a short sixteen months after taking his brother home, I worried a lot about how I would manage having a newborn and a toddler who had recently...
These Are The Days You’ll Forget
You assumed motherhood would be easier the second time around. You were wrong. Going from none to one was such a huge transition that you existed in a hormonal daze for weeks, maybe even...
Birth Photography: Is It Right For You?
My husband and I hired a doula to have additional support throughout my first pregnancy and childbirth. I felt having a doula empowered me to advocate for myself and my baby in the labor...
When Your Messy Roommate Is Your Spouse
When my now husband and I moved in together, we went through the common growing pains that all newly cohabitating couples face. On top of that, I moved into the condo that he owned,...
Infertility Helped Prepare Me for Parenthood
I know, I know: nothing can really prepare you for parenthood. However, when it takes a relatively long time, good amounts of emotional and financial investment, and a lot of physical groundwork to become...