
Laura Frazier

The Mom Club

When you become pregnant, you enter the mom club. It's a pretty great club and I am thrilled to be a member! However, there are a few things you should know. 1. When you become...

A Guide to Successful Long Distance Relationships…with Grandma

Like many people in the Madison area, my husband and I are transplants. We moved here so my husband could go to graduate school, then he got a great job and here we've stayed!...

Pregnancy Announcements and Gender Reveals

  Finding out you are pregnant is such an exciting time and it's natural to want to share your joy with everyone! In this pinterest day and age, there are all kinds of cute pregnancy...

Family Photos: What to wear?!

It is the time of year when family photos are in full swing and like many people, you might have something scheduled. Once you've chosen a photographer, picked a date and location, the hard...