Celebrating Easter with Toddlers: Traditions to Start While They’re Young


It’s easy to overlook the smaller Holidays sometimes, especially with young ones. I’ve compiled an easy-to-maintain checklist of ideas for you to celebrate Easter and involve your toddler in. These activities can become a fun tradition to continue doing even when they are grown!

Decorate Eggs

There are a ton of ways to decorate eggs, but here are some of my favorite ways:

-White Crayon: Collect the white crayons from the carton and begin drawing on your eggs. The once-useless color that didn’t show up on your white drawing paper will now become the coolest magic trick ever to your two-year-old. Once they are doodled on, dip the eggs into dye (here is a natural recipe for dye!) and watch the doodles come to life.

-Embellishments: Grab all of the glitter, sequins, and glitter glue and close your eyes while your kids create masterpieces. If you’re brave, go ahead and join them! Once these craft supplies are brought out for younger kids, I think it’s best to just “let it go” until the end and then clean up and worry about messes. If you’re spending this time stressed over the glitter getting everywhere, it’s not fun for anyone!

-Paint: My favorite pumpkin-carving alternative is equally handy at Easter. If you are terrified of messes, this one is your best bet. You can use the regular washable finger paint and even a young toddler can have a blast decorating their own egg. A great way to mix this one up is to include stamps or sponges along with a paintbrush to allow experimentation on textures and surfaces!

Shaving Cream Method: I’m including this method because I was excited to try it with my 2-year-old, but I’ll warn you that not only were our hands were stained, but our eggs were lackluster. However, I have seen friends successfully do this with their toddlers so give it a try and maybe you’ll have better luck than I did!


Egg Hunt

A really fun tradition to start with toddlers is an egg hunt. We celebrate Easter with the Easter Bunny, and he hides the eggs in the middle of the night so that they can be found around our living room area for the kids to find when they wake up. Each child gets their own egg color to avoid confusion, hoarding, or the 5-year-old stealing all of the 1-year-old’s easier hiding spots, and the eggs are filled with little treats and candy! A variation of this can be heading out to your backyard to find hidden eggs, or by letting Madison Mom’s Blog do all of the heavy lifting and attending the annual Eggstravaganza where they do an egg hunt!

Even as a college student, my extended family still did an outdoor egg hunt at our Easter brunches, and this game lives on for older kids as well. We had eggs hidden up in deer stands and impossible-to-reach obstacles that kept everyone roaring with laughter.


Paper Eggs

A super-easy craft to do with toddlers and kids is to decorate a paper egg! You can use this printable coloring page to print an egg. Bring out construction paper, embellishments, dot markers, colors, or whatever you have on hand, and let them decorate these pages! They are adorable to hang up for the Holiday and fun for everyone to do.

Comment below and tell us some of your favorite Easter traditions!

Nestled into a small town just outside of Madison, Kyla is raising her three boys alongside her amazing Hubs while they live with her parents for half of each year. Kyla has been writing for Madison Mom since December 2015, became the Social Media Coordinator in 2018, and began Content Creating for City Mom Collective in 2019. She was born and raised in the Madison area, and kept her roots planted here, with the exception of a short stint at UW Milwaukee while getting her BBA in Marketing and cheerleading on the collegiate team. Kyla chronicles her life and family on Instagram (@kylamariecharles) and advocates for her youngest son who was born with a fluke eye condition that left him with a prosthetic left eye.


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