GenoPalate | Transform the Way You Eat

You are what you eat. It’s something we’ve been hearing for years – but what if someone told you that there is scientific evidence that there are certain nutrients that your body craves, based on your DNA. And certain compounds that you are best able to digest & utilize… and of course certain foods that you may want to avoid, based on your genetic profile. GenoPalate does all this for you by creating a profile and custom DNA report. 

GenoPalate was founded by a scientist (who also happens to be a mom). She realized that her life could really change by understanding her relationship to food. She built this company out of a love for helping her family and others lead a healthier, more informed life. Her Ph.D in Molecular Biology and expert level knowledge on obesity genetics allows her passion for science and family to combine in GenoPalate.

The process is simple

Step 1 | Order DNA Test 

First things first, you need to get the process going so that they can collect a sample of your DNA and start analyzing. They will send you a test kit and ask you to answer a few simple questions about your food preferences and health history.

*If you already have your DNA test results from or 23andMe, they’ll send you instructions on how to transfer your data to GenoPalate. Don’t worry – it’s super easy and you’ll get over 70% off!

Step 2 | Send Your Saliva

(yes, your spit!)  

After you receive your test kit, you’ll spit into a test tube and mail it back to GenoPalate. They make it simple and painless – no blood, no needles, no trips to the doctor. They just need a little bit of your saliva.

Step 3 | DNA Analyzation 

Once they receive your test tube of spit, the real fun begins. GenoPalate extracts out your DNA and prepares it to be read on a “chip.” There are over a million pre-installed marker molecules that once activated by the specific molecule of your DNA, emit a fluorescent signal which translates into your specific genotype.

Step 4 | Custom DNA Report

I am thrilled to have the opportunity to have my DNA analyzed and am eager to receive the report soon so that I can finally identify what foods are truly best for ME. I have always been fascinated by health and nutrition, but also have struggled with food sensitivities/bloating for years. I will share my results with y’all soon and can’t wait to transform my bodies relationship with food!

I would love to have you go through this process with me! Order your kit on their website (if you have any questions please comment below). 

*We are thrilled to partner with GenoPalate for this sponsored post. We only partner with brands who we believe bring value to our readers and of which we would personally use and recommend!

Madison Family
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