Go Away, Mama! 5 Reasons for a Self-Retreat

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Have you ever reached “mama burnout” mode? You know, where you’re crabby, irritable, stressed (but maybe don’t know it), stretched too thin. To use a Lord of the Rings metaphor, are you stretched, “like butter scraped over too much bread?”

I was there. I have a supportive husband and a great network of family and friends who are always present to help me when I get overwhelmed with the demands of life. I realize that not everyone is as fortunate, so I know that I should be truly grateful for this (and I am). However, I still have this awful habit of self-reliance and of working 110% of the time. Apparently, it’s just in my blood. I have to always do something. Trust me, I’m working on this…

I think we can all realize that at some point, you need a break. There comes a moment in time when a couple of hours just doesn’t do the trick. Or a Target run (however fun), is still work. I mean, do you ever go into Target to only buy something for yourself? No, you’re probably buying dish soap, diapers, and maybe some vino if you’re like me.

Recently, I had the amazing opportunity to get away.  Like big-time! My sweet husband spoiled me and insisted that I have at least 24 hours away. He booked a hotel and I was free to spend my day gallivanting around town – shopping, eating, drinking, working, and sleeping…it was magical.

I’m not going to lie, this was a last minute decision (he booked this the day of) due to the aforementioned “burnout.” So, what’s a girl to do? I threw a suitcase together, packed up my trusty laptop and some books, and frantically called every salon I could find until I found one with a massage opening.

“Ok, now I will be forced to relax,” I thought. It was luxurious, my masseuse worked some of the knots out of my back (apparently I have quite a collection of them), and she even used aromatherapy. After that, I stopped by my favorite coffee shop, enjoyed some wine at 4:30 pm, and even got some work done (which is relaxing to me)! This was followed by a quick stop by a local Indian restaurant for some takeout. The owner must have felt bad for me or something, because everyone else there seemed dressed to the nines for a lovely night out on the night before Valentine’s Day. While I was sad to not be with my husband that night, we did have a lovely Valentine’s date on the weekend prior.

The rest of my night was reminiscent of a teenage girls’ sleepover. I poured some red wine (ok, that part was different), brought out some pink nail polish, turned on a chick flick marathon, which just happened to feature “When Harry Met Sally.” I enjoyed my spicy takeout and munched on some dark chocolate covered sea salt pretzels (my indulgence of choice). I read a book until bed and eagerly filled out the room service ticket for breakfast. I was not going out for breakfast. I planned to enjoy the serene, white, clean sheets that I didn’t have to wash, on a bed that I didn’t have to make, for as LONG as possible.

room service
Room service, anyone?!

It was…A-MAZING. For the first time in a long time, I had a full night’s sleep, sipped coffee while I devoured my book, and took a hot shower without interruptions.

Was it worth it? Absolutely. Will I do it again? Yes, this has become an annual tradition since becoming a stay-at-home mom. I think you should do it too!

If you can’t find the reasons, I’ll give you 5 irrefutable ones:

  1. You will have time to blow and to not answer to anyone. You don’t have to feel bad, it’s okay!
  2. You need to recharge your batteries. Think of it as a way to become a better parent! It’s a good thing.
  3. Rest. Need I say more? When was the last time that you got an UNINTERRUPTED night’s sleep? You can’t remember? Well, that will just not do! Catch some zzz’s, girlfriend.
  4. You will stop being the “martyr.” I’m not going to lie, but at times, I’ve pulled the martyr card (I know that it’s not right). Well, after this weekend of being pampered, that disappeared.
  5. You are not invincible. Unless you’re a selfless, emotion-less, inhuman robot, you probably can’t be an energizer bunny forever. Own that. Be ok with that.

While I realize that not everyone has the means to get away – whether it’s work, childcare, or for financial reasons, I do encourage you to even take some time to drop your kiddos with a friend. Maybe you don’t like to be alone for an extended period of time. I love taking weekends with my hubby, but I’m also an introvert, so I enjoy some good old alone-time, which doesn’t come easily as a stay-at-home parent. Or, ask a friend to swap with you for an evening away! Swapping allows you to take some time away, guilt-free for yourself, with your spouse, or even your best friend! If you’re a single parent, find others who are willing to help you (a swap may be the perfect scenario for you). You could even stay home. Take a bubble bath, turn on some calming music, enjoy some tea, or read a book.

Take some time, mama. Just DO it. You’ll thank yourself later. And if it doesn’t somehow help you be a better mom, spouse, friend, and person, you can blame it on me.


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