Top 5 Reasons That Grandmas Make the World Go ‘Round

Let’s be honest, our moms did a great job with us. We’re here! We are thriving! We have kids of our own! We never would have made it without our own moms being there, coaching us through challenges, encouraging and caring, so it makes sense now that we can’t do the whole “parenthood” thing without her words of advice (welcomed or not). That said, here’s my top 5 reasons that these ladies are the bees knees:

  1. They know you and know when you need a break. Sometimes without a word, Glamma swoops in and folds the kids’ clothes, or makes banana zucchini muffins when she hasn’t baked in years, or just pours me a glass of wine because it’s one less thing I can take off my plate as a busy twin mama. She can just see it in my face and takes care of them, in turn also taking care of me…I can only hope I’m that in tune with my kiddos when they are in similar situations.
  2. They have done this before. They do have a slight one-up on you. Take the advice in stride, but know their pearls of wisdom come from experience and a place of love. So just listen, you may learn something while you’re at it.
  3. Grandmas do things moms just can’t and that’s okay, it’s what makes them special. These bonds and memories are precious, so when your little one(s) get to play “amigas” or paint rocks beautifully with grandma, just let it be and don’t push your own agenda (trying to take my own advice here too!), they’re having a moment and it’s not yours, it’s theirs. It’s precious. And it’s the stuff they’ll grow up and blog about too.
  4. They love shopping. Well, in my experience anyway. Everyone needs a little retail therapy now and again, no? Even though I don’t want to break anyone’s bank or have extra “things” to deal with, it is actually really fun to see how excited grandma gets when shopping for the twins and mama gets to geek out on adorable outfits, funny shirts and cool toys in a way that she feels like a kiddo again too!
  5. They’re really good at reading books/telling stories/snuggles/making stuff/teaching you new things/being there, even if just by phone/FaceTime. I’ve seen an authenticity in my mom in these last 14mo. that I’ve not seen in years and I think it comes from the uninterrupted connections she has to have while hanging out with tiny people who demand every ounce of your attention. That’s also why she can be so good at those things, she has the singular focus of just being “Glamma” and not housekeeper, cook and chauffeur (like mom and dad sometimes have to do). She gets to do her thing, be silly and pass on songs, games, language and more to these little sponges and then has the freedom to say, “Okay, going to yoga now!” without batting an eye and I admire it. I’ll get there one day, but in the meantime, that’s another reason that grandmas are awesome!

So this Grandparent’s Day, give your grandmas, grandpas, moms, dads, great-grandmas and grandpas big hugs, tell them how much you love them and thank them for making your worlds go ’round.


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