Hey – all my fellow mama friends! As I have gotten older I have become more confident in who I am as a person and a mama, however it goes without saying that I am not immune to having some hard days. In fact recently I was really feeling down in the dumps about myself on all different levels. “Am I am a good mom? What is my identity other than being a mom? I feel I can’t accomplish anything! Why are they so good at that and I’m not? Gah I’m so short!” And I have a feeling I’m not alone, well maybe about being short, but possibly not the others?
I have realized when I feel down in the dumps about ALL my feelings, a great antidote is taking the time to think about and encourage others in your life. I’m not a therapist and I’m definitely not suggesting to ignore your feelings, because big or small they are real, but one thing I do know is taking time out of your day to love on someone else can bring you some much needed happiness and really can turn your day around. The image you see on the top of this post I created and encourage you to print out and send it to a couple of your dear friends. I think it is also a great reminder and pep talk you can give yourself so print one for you too and hang it up in your office (if you are lucky to have one, ours is a toy room) or your bathroom mirror.
We are all susceptible to bad days, so if you are questioning yourself as a person or a mama let me be the one to tell you, ‘you are amazing are are doing a damn good job!’