Alecia Jacobson

Alecia is a native of Madison and loves that her children will be raised here too. She is a mama and stepmom (although she cringes at the label 'step') to six, yes six children! They range in ages from 3 months to 12 years, four girls and two boys. She considers herself crazy lucky to have a second chance at love and marriage with her husband Joe. Alecia is the owner and trainer of a local boutique gym. She spends her mornings training and her afternoons with her kids and on most days is the best of both worlds. She has a passion for women's health and uses her training as a way to go beneath the surface and help women and moms to embrace what is uncomfortable and be their best selves. Being able to witness women pushing their limits, setting and achieving goals is what fuels her fire. Women are capable of anything and getting a front row seat to their accomplishments is the best reward. She knows how important it is for moms to take care of themselves and makes it a priority to set aside time for herself. Every week she has a 'nonnegotiable' date with yoga and her other workouts. She has a love of racing and participates in local 5k's. Her children have taken on her love of running also. She coaches Girls on the Run and the boys Let Me Run program.
How You Can Stop Chasing Work/Life Balance
One topic that comes up with almost all of my friends and clients is the idea of balance, and specifically them striving for some sort of balance. It comes up in many forms. The...
3 Ways to Get Through Divorce Without Losing Your Mind
So you’re here. For whatever reason the papers have been filed and you are now embarking on a new life. Often, and especially if this was not your doing, people can absolutely lose their...
Weight Loss Won’t Bring Happiness | Finding Courage to Love Yourself While You Find...
Have you ever thought once you weighed X amount you would be happy? That then everything in your world would be right? That you would like yourself and everything would just fall into place?
Life Lenses
I’d like to invite you for a minute to take a deep breath and imagine you are floating above yourself. You have the vision to see you in your environment and everything that is...
Things I Learned by Failing at My Marriage
Let me just start this off by saying I’m no marriage expert. In fact I’m the opposite as I completely failed at my first marriage and was probably an awful wife. Because you know...
3 Steps to Recommitting to Your Fitness New Year’s Resolutions
For many people the end of January means the last and final death of New Year's resolutions. They meant well and started January with lofty goals and high hopes. The first two weeks were...
Gifts That Take Up No Space
My family doesn't need any gifts of things take up more space. Does yours? We don't need more marbles or marble runs (the things that my son plays with constantly). We don't need more...