
Mehgan recently moved back to Wisconsin and is taking advantage of all Madison has to offer! She graduated from UW-Madison in Family and Consumer Science Education and taught high school for five years before becoming a bridal store manager/wedding planner. Currently mom to her extremely active toddler Cora (March 2017), sweet baby Autumn (September 2018), and large Goldendoodle Benny (January 2010), Mehgan is relishing the opportunity to stay at home for the moment. Reading and blogging on her personal blog ( takes up any spare moments she can steal during naptime. Mehgan can't wait for summer when camping, zoo outings, and trips to Door County will be on the agenda.
Save the Memories, Not the Clutter
It’s spring cleaning time! Cleaning is not exactly my forte and I don’t mind a little dust, but decluttering is where I excel! Because of very limited storage space in my house (and because...
Ideas for Celebrating St. Patrick’s Day with Young Children
St. Patrick’s Day is the best holiday! Think about it. No presents to buy, no extended family obligations, no meal that takes hours of preparation. Just fun, no stress. Plus, anyone can partake...
Finding My Calm . . . Because I’m About To Lose It!
Today I was pushed to the edge . . . by a crayon. Not over the edge, thank goodness, but I am still disgusted with how I handled a simple parenting situation. As a...
Dear Daughters, I Want You To Be Better
As many people are making resolutions and goals for this new year, I instead started to reflect. I decided to start making a list of life lessons I want to pass on to my...
10 Binge-Worthy Shows (and Specials) on Netflix Right Now
You’re decking the halls and trimming the tree. But perhaps you need a little break from the constant holiday cheer (or maybe you don’t even celebrate Christmas). I’ve made a list of some of...
Splitting Time Between Families During the Holidays
It is that time of year again. The time of year when my husband and I sit down with our calendar and try to figure out how to juggle all our families’ holiday celebrations....
Your Top 10 C-Section Questions Answered – By A Mom Who’s Had Three
Having just had my third c-section I thought I would share my knowledge and experiences from a patient’s viewpoint in case the information might help someone. Maybe you are currently pregnant and are terrified...
How I Set Up My Week For Success
I have always been one to use a planner. Getting that school planner on the first day of school was a thrill for me (I know - nerd alert!). As I got older a...
Counting My Blessings
Do you know the song “Count Your Blessings (Instead of Sheep)” from the movie White Christmas? The lyrics popped into my head last week as I lay on the floor of my daughter’s room...
I’ll Be Back
I’ll be back, I promise. Pregnancy has caused me to become a person even I don’t recognize. My husband is probably terrified his wife, who he agreed to have and to hold for better...
Just a Fluke? A Birth Story
I am almost halfway through my third pregnancy. Now is the point when my anxiety and worry about my unborn baby really start to gain momentum. I have a good reason for my increasing...
Cloth Diapers: Not as Gross as You Think
When our family and friends heard we were going to cloth diaper the responses were usually two-fold. One, “Cloth diapering is a nice idea in theory, but we’ll see how long you last.” Two,...