Dear Nap, Goodbye Forever: An Open Letter to My Toddler’s Nap

Napping babyDear Nap,

I should have seen it coming. I knew what we had wouldn’t last forever, but I was hoping for a little bit more time together. Another month. Another week. I’d even have been grateful for a few more hours with you. But after just two and a half years, you’re gone for good.

We used to see each other daily, even twice a day at the very beginning. I always looked forward to your arrival. You brought me so much peace and sometimes were the highlight of my whole day. But a few months ago, I noticed that you weren’t coming around as often as you used to. And when you did, things felt different. You were hesitant and your visits were short. Then, one day, you stopped showing up altogether.

I was devastated. Lost. At first, I didn’t know what to do without you. I depended on you so much; you always added structure and relief to my day. After you left, there were some rough days and long afternoons when things felt totally out of control. There were times that I coped by turning on the TV and mentally checking out. I yelled and cried. I didn’t think I could survive your loss.

But it’s been a few months now since you’ve gone away. It hasn’t been easy. At first, the days were so long without you. I read articles about how to handle this transition. I talked to others who’d been in my shoes. I tried to fill the gap you left with quiet time, puzzles, and books, but I still was totally frazzled by the end of the day. I missed our relaxing afternoons together so much. But as time went by, without even realizing it, I settled into a new routine and my confidence grew. I relaxed into a new rhythm without you.

We had a good run, you and me. I’ll never forget our time together and I wish you all the best. I’m doing really well without you. Turns out, I didn’t really need you as much as I thought. In fact, I think you were cramping my style.

Now, I spend entire days away from home without worrying about you. I don’t have to schedule appointments around your needs. I no longer need to leave friends’ houses early to please you. And most importantly, your departure has reminded me that I’m actually pretty tough. I can live without you. You have become just another challenge I’ve overcome.

So, Nap, it’s my turn to say goodbye. Adiós! Ciao! Buh-bye! I don’t need you anymore.

Farewell forever,

P.S. Now that you’ve gone, my relationship with Bedtime has never been better.

Amelia Cook Fontella is a writer, teacher, designer, and entrepreneur. She lives in a cozy little house on Madison’s east side with her husband Rob, kiddos Frankie and Luisa, and a puggle named Starla. Amelia has an MFA in creative writing and regularly teaches in the Madison area, including her own Get Inspired Workshop classes. Amelia and Rob own Green Table Media where they help small businesses and community organizations tell their stories. Amelia adores traveling the world, exploring things in her own backyard, going swimming, and just about anything to do with creativity, writing, and the arts. She’s good at finding other people’s lost things and makes a mean brandy slush.


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