I consider myself a pretty tidy and organized person. I like having a spot for everything and I function best when my house is organized. It’s much easier said than done once kids enter the picture! Despite my efforts — my kids have always struggled with putting things away where they belong. 

So when I had the opportunity to work with Mary Frost from Frost Organizing and Amelia Franklin from Intentional Spaces Organizing – I was really excited to see their expertise in action. 

They came over and did a consultation and I showed them the spaces in my home that tend to become quickly over run with clutter… and where my kids struggle the most at putting things away. They were confident that they could solve my problem – so I gave them my budget for supplies and they ordered everything that they knew they would need and they arrived ready to work their magic the following week. 

Space 1: My Pantry

We have a walk-in pantry and I had even purchased things to try to keep it organized but my efforts were unable to keep up with my kids and Costco runs (ie: returning home with large amounts of groceries!).

I quickly learned that the pantry can benefit significantly from the expertise of a professional organizer. With a keen eye for maximizing space and optimizing storage solutions, Mary & Amelia managed to turn my cluttered pantry into a well-organized haven. They assessed the available space, categorized items, and implemented systems that make it easy to locate ingredients.

Efficient organization in the pantry can lead to reduced food waste, as items are less likely to get lost or forgotten. It’s true… I had no idea that we had duplicates of many items until they were all intentionally categorized together. And the best part? A month later and it is STILL completely organized because they created systems that even my kids are able to follow. Amazing!

(L-R): Art Room Supplies; Pantry

Space 2: My Kids Art Room

My kids are in the age between toys and teenagers. So we have a space in our home that is used as an ‘art room’. I had even purchased clear bins and labeled them a couple years ago to try to keep it as tidy as possible. But the system unfortunately failed. 

Amelia and Mary were able to restructure the organization of this room with a few changes (that I never would have come up with) and it ultimately made a HUGE difference. This was a big transformation – and I absolutely LOVE it! 

Space 3: Toiletry/Medication Closet

Lastly, we have a space where we store our overflow toiletries (toothpaste; razors; soap; etc) and also our OTC medications. They added a couple turntables and labeled things… and helped declutter by getting rid of anything expired – and it made a world of difference. Seemingly small transformations make for a huge change! 

Why to Hire a Professional

Hiring a professional organizer to declutter and organize spaces in your home is truly a transformative experience. As our lives become increasingly hectic, maintaining order in our living spaces often takes a backseat. The accumulation of belongings, whether it be in the form of kitchen supplies, clothing, or art materials, can lead to overwhelming chaos. Bringing in an expert to streamline and declutter these spaces not only results in a visually appealing home but also contributes to improved functionality and mental well-being.

A tidy and well-organized space can contribute to a sense of calm and control, reducing stress and promoting a positive mindset. The decision to hire a professional organizer is an investment in both the physical and mental well-being of the household, creating an environment that supports a more organized and balanced lifestyle. And they instilled sustainable systems… because they understand that a household with children present needs a little more thought in the process!

Contact Mary and Amelia — the Dream Team!

Projects are priced individually based on size of a space, session durations, number of spaces and sessions, how much product your space needs, etc.

Amelia from Intentional Spaces
Mary from Frost Organizing
Madison Family
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