
(Madison, WI): Imagine a therapy experience where your child feels like they’re going on an exciting adventure outdoors with peers… rather than going to a clinic or school for therapy sessions. 

Nature-based outdoor therapy is a growing trend in pediatric healthcare, combining the powerful health benefits of nature with skilled therapy services. 

Outdoor Kids Occupational Therapy is a thriving nature-based pediatric practice and leader in the nature-based therapy movement. Started in 2015 (and still going strong) on the west coast, they launched their second branch in Madison, Wisconsin in 2023.

For Children Ages 3-10

If you have a neurodiverse child aged 3-10 who faces developmental challenges such as motor coordination difficulties, attention issues, sensory processing challenges, or social-emotional challenges, Outdoor Kids can help. In their therapy services, your child will experience a safe place to be seen, understood, known, and supported to grow in areas where they are struggling. 

All Outdoor Kids services are guided by the values of their nature-based pediatric therapy model – the ConTiGO (Connection & Transformation in the Great Outdoors) Approach:


Your child needs friends or family in therapy, not just the therapist.  

Outdoor Kids provides therapy in intentionally-formed small groups of 2-5 children, 100% outdoors in all kinds of weather. All groups are led by a licensed occupational therapist and 1-2 graduate students. Your child will make friends while practicing social and play skills in real-life situations, which means you’ll see progress more quickly on their goals. 


Rapid transformation for your child will happen with therapy that fosters nature connection, uses science-backed strategies, and focuses on your unique family needs. 

Outdoor Kids specializes in combining evidence-based therapy with the power of nature to accelerate your child’s developmental gains. Outdoor Kids gives you an assessment of your child, individualized family-centered goal setting, parent consultation calls, weekly 90-minute group therapy sessions, weekly documentation on progress, weekly video updates, home carryover ideas, and end-of-program therapy progress reports. 

Outdoor Kids therapists are trained to apply the latest research in sensory integration, motor learning, and neuroscience, along with nature connection, to help your child more quickly build skills for success at school, home, and in life. 

…in the Great Outdoors

Your child needs LOTS of time outdoors in nature for their optimal growth and development.

Nature provides health benefits that are truly impossible to replicate in any indoor therapy setting.  Mental clarity, peacefulness, attentiveness, and physical health are just a few of the research-proven benefits of spending time in nature. The natural world inspires children’s internal drive to explore, challenge their bodies, be creative, and have FUN while building skills.

Indoor pediatric clinic spaces are full of therapy equipment: plastic balance beams, swings, tactile bins, monkey bars, rock climbing walls, foam mats, and more. At Outdoor Kids, children balance on logs, lift large sticks and rocks to build forts, set up and ride on tree swings, play in real mud and water, use real tools, climb trees, roll down hills, and more…all while supported by a licensed therapist to address their individualized goals during the therapy group. 

Best of all, your child can access nature at any time with you- no special clinic space needed- so carryover of skills to daily life happens more naturally.

Outdoor Kids therapy groups in West Madison

Outdoor Kids groups take place weekly in west Madison near Middleton. If you’re interested in applying for your child to join an Outdoor Kids therapy group, you can visit their website. You can also join their Madison email list here for updates as they open new services and grow in the Madison area. They would love to meet your family in the woods soon!

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