Madison Mom

Betsy is a mom to two sassy, spunky and spirited kiddos and wife to an adventurous, soccer-loving Chemist named Noah. She is originally from the Chicago suburbs but has bounced around the world with her husband before landing (hopefully permanently!) in Madison. Her first child, Jackson, was born in Germany during their two years living abroad. Betsy loves exploring new cities, donuts (any kind, anywhere) and being a stay at home mom. She is currently in school with plans to become an Occupational Therapist.
To the Baby I’ll Never Have
This past weekend we hosted our very first garage sale, with tables stacked to the brim of old snow boots, outgrown hats and mittens, swaddle blankets, teeny little onesies pronouncing “Daddy’s Girl” or “Beautiful...
The Plaza Hotel (Milwaukee) :: Review & Giveaway
The Plaza Hotel :: A Milwaukee Hotel for a wonderful getaway!
My husband and I haven’t gone on an overnight without kids since our second child was born…OVER TWO YEARS AGO! So you can imagine our...
That Time I Failed You
Let’s be honest – I fail at motherhood about 100 times a day. Too much Daniel Tiger before school, frozen waffles for breakfast, forgetting backpacks or snacks or water bottles on the way out...
My Baby Isn’t a Baby Anymore
If I get through writing this post without tears streaming down my face, I’ll have impressed myself. See, this is a subject that gets me Every. Single. Time.
My baby isn’t a baby anymore.
Sure, he’s...
Be Kind to Yourself, Mama
Yesterday was one of those cold, brutal winter days where you can’t even take your kids for a walk outside, let alone let them go sledding or build a snowman. We were stir crazy and...
Making a Wild Child: How to Develop your Child’s sense of Adventure
It’s been five years since my husband and I made one of the biggest decisions of our life: we picked up and moved to Germany. At the time we owned a house, had jobs...
Just When You Think You Have Them Figured Out… They Change
Once, about a year after the birth of my first son, I was boasting to a friend that my son was FINALLY sleeping through the night. She laughed and said something I’ve never forgotten:...
Why Ya Gotta Be So Cruel?
My almost-4 –year-old started preschool up again last month. When I picked him up on the playground, instead of running gleefully into my arms like he hadn’t seen me in 3 hours, he ran...
You are Enough
Recently I received a text from my best friend, an exhausted but glowing first time mother of a sweet baby boy. I could tell by her message that she was feeling down. Her baby...
Confessions of a BAD MOM
As I write this post, my three year old son is watching TV and eating goldfish crackers. I am such a BAD MOM. If you look around my living room, there are toys and...
My Child ISN’T Perfect
The other day I picked my 3 year old son up from preschool, holding my breath.
“Well,” I asked, “How did it go today?”
His teacher, very sweet and very diplomatic, says, “It was kind of...
Five Tips for Transitioning from 1 Child to 2…or More!
While pregnant with my second child, I heard over and over again from friends, acquaintances, and random strangers that the transition from one child to two (or more!) was the toughest for them, even...