
Tara is mom to two energetic daughters Bianca and Iyla. Passionate about inspiring others to cook healthy, delicious and allergy-friendly food, she owns Yummy Sprout, which provides healthy culinary adventures through classes and more. Check out yummysprout.com. Tara has been featured in the Wisconsin State Journal and on Channel 3 WISC-TV on topics including “making your own baby food”, “cooking with kids” and “packing healthy school lunches”. She adores living in Madison and all it has to offer family life. Her favorite ways to spend time include messing up her kitchen while recipe testing, running, yoga, writing, painting, traveling and reading books with her girls.
Springtime Suppers
When I was growing up our evening meal was always called supper. I'm not sure when I started calling it dinner, likely when I started out on my own. Calling it dinner sounded fancier or...
15 Life Lessons I Learned From My Three Year Old
Be willing to improvise: Shoes = erasers for sidewalk chalk.
Don’t pigeonhole yourself: It’s perfectly acceptable to change your favorite color daily (or even hourly).
Never give up: Ask for chocolate chips repeatedly…somewhere around the 30th...
Kitchen Art Projects
Food can be great inspiration for art project fun! It's spring here in Wisconsin, which means lots of time at the park and riding bikes yet also many cool, rainy days that need projects. Here are five...
Interview With A Mom – Karin Swanson
We are starting a new series - INTERVIEW WITH A MOM... interviewing local moms about themselves. With a goal of connecting us even more as people and a community!
I recently met with with Karin Swanson,...
Sandwich Sushi
The Sandwich...an important part of American cuisine. So many possibilities and yet they can get a little mundane and repetitive. How about sprucing that sandwich up by turning it into sushi?! My kids love...
Carrot Cake Breakfast Muffins
This recipe is so easy it's almost unfair how delicious it tastes. Carrot cake that has only a few ingredients, is crazy-healthy and makes the perfect breakfast. A yummy way to eat veggies for breakfast....
Vacation Style 101
It's here, it's here, it's here! Spring is finally here! Our frozen Wisconsin tundra is beginning to thaw, the sun is shining and spring break is only a few weeks away. With spring break...
Minimize Me
Hello, my name is Tara and I am a "Self Minimizer". No, I don't have a shrink ray or a time machine. I am guilty of down playing myself and my accomplishments when I talk...
Five Ways to Teach Healthy Eating Outside the Kitchen
Teaching our children about healthy food and how it nourishes them is important to their development. Obviously having our children help us in the kitchen is a wonderful way and will connect them to the food...
Snack Attack {25 Baby and Toddler Snacks}
Babies and toddlers are just beginning their adventures with food. Starting them out with real, healthy food can help pave the way for a healthy relationship with food and long and healthful life. Yet...
Sweetheart Meals – Date Night In
Ah, Valentine's Day...the most romantic day of the year, oh wait I'm a mom. But seriously as parents we don't exactly get a ton of any romance time. If you have kids at home then going out...
Curing the Lunchbox Blues
February is that time of year in our house that we start to get the blues. Winter blues, school blues, lunchbox blues...you name it and we likely have the blues about it. Basically things are...