

Jill is a born and raised Wisconsinite. She grew up just outside of Madison before heading to northern Michigan for college. Afterwards, she returned to Madison where she married her high school sweetheart, Micah, and earned her PhD in Educational Psychology. Micah and Jill live just outside of Madison with their two children, Levi (5 years old), and Alice (3 years old), and they all love sports and being outside. When Jill isn't enjoying the local Madison parks and activities with her family, she loves to play board games, and relax at home with family and friends. Jill is a busy mom, an active member in her church, and enjoys her job as an Associate Professor of Psychology for a small liberal arts college.

Let’s Change Social Distancing

Words matter. What words we choose matter, especially when it comes to difficult times. There are whole fields of study in psychology and other disciplines that focus on how word choice can change people’s...

Resisting the Race for Reading

I’m the first to admit, I’m very competitive. I have always loved games and love to win. For better or worse, I’m competitive by nature. This competitive streak sometimes becomes problematic, especially when it comes...

Don’t Go To Bed Angry: Newlywed Relationship Myths

I’m sure you’ve all been to a bridal shower where everyone goes around and gives advice to the bride-to-be. (Am I the only one who finds this insanely awkward?) Anyway, at nearly every bridal...

Easy Alternatives to Screen Time When You Need a Break

I’m sure many parents have heard about the American Academy of Pediatrics recommendation to avoid all screen time until a child is two years old, then, if used after that, use it sparingly. Even...

The Princess Dilemma

When we found out we were pregnant with a girl, we got loads of hand-me-down clothes. There was the occasional “little princess” onesie, and we swiftly put it into the donation pile. Others might...

The Whisper of Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian cancer is often referred to as the cancer that whispers. This is because its symptoms are often quiet and go unnoticed, which results in 70% of cases being discovered in the later stages...

Forget it! How I Distribute the Job of Remembering

Growing up I always remember my mom was the one who knew were everything was and where everyone needed to be. She was the schedule keeper, the thing finder, and the party planner. Now,...

Our Favorite Pancake Recipe

My husband and I are not gourmet chefs. I do most of the cooking out of necessity, but it is not something that either of us enjoy. We do both enjoy breakfast, however, and...

Jumping In

With the summer months right around the corner, the chance for days in the pool or at the beach increase. I love spending time at the lake swimming with my kids, but there is...

Learning to Love the Grey

Wrinkle creams, eye masks, hair dye… there are so many products out there to make you look younger as your body changes with age. As I move into my later thirties, more of my...

Too Young for the Game? Kid in Organized Sports

I grew up playing sports and loving them. I tried most sports in one way or another, but became more serious in high school with one sport that I continued into college. My husband...

Learning to Say No

There are always so many things going on… at work, at home, with friends. There are so many things to get done and not enough time or energy to do everything. I have struggled...